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How to lose your keys

Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James
Just spent a couple of hours looking for my keys. Then lifted a pan lid on the table in front of me to find them hidden underneath :$
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Guest JudgeMental
took me almost two weeks to find mine recently before leaving for Spain....best advice I had was: they will be in the last place you expect, and they were!
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Guest Peter James
pelmetman - 2015-04-25 9:08 AM


Why do you have a pan lid on your table? :-S .............



I have it to cover my tea mug - keeps the heat in and the steam down B-)

Table was a bit cluttered, so when I took the lid off and put it on the table I didn't see it was covering my van key :$


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Guest Peter James
JudgeMental - 2015-04-25 9:22 AM


took me almost two weeks to find mine recently before leaving for Spain....


Well I was in the van when I lost them so I knew they were in there somewhere. If I had lost them anywhere else I could have been searching for a couple of weeks too :$

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My experience is slightly different, I lost my sat nav, found the bràcket and lead under the front seat of our car, but no sat nav. Must have left the car open and its been nicked, or so I thought.


So there we were next day off to Spain and no sat nav, so bought a new one from Halfords, £90. Away for 6 weeks, back home went to get my reserve rucksack out the cupboard, this is a bit heavy I thought, rummage through and bingo there's the bloody sat nav, hiding. I sure its a conspiracy.

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I was at a motorcycle gathering a few years ago when one of the bikers, out of the blue, waved a set of car and house keys in the air and invited us to guess where he got them. No answer of course, so he told us.


He'd been to his local waste recycling centre that morning and abloke had been driving a BMW and barged in, insisting on almost pushing other people aside - quite an arrogant performance. He'd left his keys for the BMW in the boot lock while he was unloading his stuff, so the biker had helped himself to them and slipped them into his pocket while he was not being observed. The biker had finished unloading his own stuff so he then drove off, taking the BMW keys with him. It was clear that he wasn't planning to get them back to the guy either.

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I'm always 'losing' my keys since having a car which has keyless ignition. Typical scenario is I arrive home, walk up to the house door, now I know I must have the keys somewhere as I've been driving the car, search throu all my pockets, no keys, might have a tool bag so search throu that, no keys, go back to car and look on seat, no keys, so search again throu pockets and tool bag,still no keys, follow my trail down the drive, still no keys, back to the car and after a long search find the keys have slid off the seat and half hidden under it.

I've since learnt to press one of the door locks, if the car locks the keys are on me, if not they are somewhere in the car.

p.s. before Dave says it, "progress hey" :D

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Guest JudgeMental

my lost keys story: searched house top to bottom 3 times. 2 weeks previously had dropped van off at auto electrician and cycled to hospital appointment in Croydon. So when searching chest of drawers for the 3 rd time going through everything, except drawer with cycling stuff in, (including said shorts *-)) as the "thinking" was why would keys be in cycling shorts ...but they were (lol)



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Years ago when one of my Sons went to UNI I bought him a key ring that you whistled to find them! They were very useful he said.

When he was train travelling with his brother they were in Rumania the police decided they were going to search through their luggage !! Whistling while they did so! His key ring whistled back! A woman was very interested that was standing nearby :-D my soft Son gave it to her as a gift! I've never come across them since but I could now do with one.



I've just found them on Amazon.

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A few years ago I went to the BMF rally at Peterborough, on our Harley Davidson towing a trailer with all our camping stuff, I pegged the ground sheet out and erected the tent locked the 2 small padlocks on the trailer, and we went to look around the show ground.


When we got back to the bike and tent I went to unlock the trailer to take something out and I couldn't find the keys me and Pat and others in our group searched high and low but couldn't find them .

I asked other campers to look out for them and I notified security.


Anyway I borrowed a hammer and smashed the locks off the trailer to gain entry for our food and cooker, anyway the keys didn't turn up and I was beginning to get worried how we would get home as the Harley Davidson keys were also on the same ring.


We decided not to let it spoil our week end and got on with the rally, On the Sunday we decided to pack up early and phone the AA.

We took the tent down and packed it away came to lift the ground sheet as I noticed a lump in the ground sheet, I found the elusive keys.



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I've a full proof way of finding anything that is lost. I make a show of looking for it then declare its bound to turn up later and take the dog for a walk. By the time we get back the wife has found it/them. Like all ladies she can't abide not being able to find anything.
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A few years ago, before we indulged in a Motorhome, we had car and caravan.

to ensure the car was secure we had a magnificent steeringwheel bar lock, tha prevented being able to turn the steering and nick the car..

the van was secured by hitchlock and wheel clamp..


when we changed to motorhome, the van security went with it, but we kept the steering wheel lock.


we still have it, but i challenge any of the "finders" above or anybody else who might know better, to come and find the keys for it..we have given up searching.. but are

keeping the lock in the vain hope that one day the keys will trip us up, or land on our head, or some other magical way of reappearing.


meanwhile, the van has other security built in.












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Tracker - 2015-04-28 9:41 AM


maggyd - 2015-04-28 8:08 AM

I've just found them on Amazon.


Well that is the last place I would expect to find my keys!


>:-) That was posted on my ipad and I don't know how to add a link with that .


What's that the little girl on the phone advert says ?? SILLY MAN !! (lol)


Carol with the Hymer is wondering when you are coming over to M.F Tracker??


>:-) I told her you couldn't afford the subs !!!!

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