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Burstner T 625 damp locker update

Max Speed

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Floor all dried out and a triangular matrix of 10 mm holes drilled on 90cm square area through the surface ply thro styrene foam down to the under ply layer (but not thro') . mix the West Epoxy 2 pack and inject with a large syringe thro' the 10mm holes, this is soaked up quite quickly on first injection, leave to part set

then give a second injection which fills the holes to the top.

The whole then given over night to harden, the slight hole sinkage was the filled flush and sanded. 2 coats of Marine Bilge paint to finish.("proper job")

All need to do now is a cutout of auto carpet liner and stick down .

The next job is to fit a new Thetford door No6 and frame.

Burstner should be ready for action by end April.

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Hi Lenny,

Not arf eh, if your gonna do it do it Eh??I guess your right, the rear floor is now rock solid ,it was the only part of the MH that has suffered with the dreaded H2O,but am going to go thro the whole MH when back from next trip.

Have used west Epoxy for years boat building and the like, cannot afford a new MH yet so repairs must go on & on & on !!!

Steer small


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