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Snipe Satellite on motorhome roof

Hazy Baby

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We are at present on our THIRD Snipe Satellite mounted on the roof of our Laika. The first, fitted less than 2 years ago (by RoadPro) started to spin around like a whirling dervish and was therefore replaced. RoadPro and Avtex were great and no problem at all with getting replacement. The replacement went off to France last year and on our first night started to make loud grating noises when rising and seeking the signal. OH put his hand through rooflight and twiddled, noise went, everything fine. But it did the same from time to time and so this was replaced - again no problem with RoadPro and Avtex who admitted it was in their words "knackered"! So, guess what? Number 3 has just gone on its jollies to Scotland and again grated on rising - sometimes! So, has anyone else got a roof mounted Snipe please and have they had any problems? Apart from nudging when grating the Snipe is of course never touched by human hand and works perfectly ok when ok if you know what I mean. Thanks!
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I have fitted a snipe to my Buerstner 55 nexxo, travelled through Spain this winter, up to now no problem with the dish,Your problems have me thinking though as I purchased mine through the internet from Germany, Fesspark
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Can I ask Fesspark how long your Snipe has been on the roof and what type of weather you have experienced , state of roads travelled etc as we are wondering if howling gales, rough roads etc are having an adverse impact on ours. Also do you leave the power unit on when travelling? We have done at times to see if this helps lock the Snipe in position and therefore stop the fault arising. Its all very confusing......!!!
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I thought the Snipe would be rather exposed to dirt and other debris being left permanantly on the roof due to its design so we keep ours in the van and lift it through the skylight when we arrive, only takes 2 minutes and all the cables are routed from the locker where the remote is up through the cavity around the Heiki.All thats left to do is screw on the 2 cables.
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We were considering this Donna but were assured by RoadPro and Avtex videos on YouTube that the Snipe is designed to be free standing or roof mounted with a correct mounting plate. So we went ahead with it on the roof as we did not have space, even in our large Laika garage, to store the carrying case as we are full of other stuff, bikes etc. The company video shows a motorhome battling through a blizzard to prove their point! So its all very strange..........
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Had a bit of a problem when ours was a couple of month old,, when closing down it wasn't make good contact with the switch to turn the motor off, would have been an easy DIY fix, but as it was under warranty, contacted Axtex they exchanged it for a new unit, so far no problems with the new one.
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I see from your photo gallery Lenny that your Snipe is roof mounted like ours. Have you had the replacement one a good length of time now without any problems? Just so I can get an idea how long they can last without developing faults! I expect they are no more or less reliable than other roof mounted satellites............?
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Although it started playing up after a couple of months I didn't get around to contacting them until a bit later in the year, I think I changed it in late September, not done any long trips since then but the fault was only minor could have easily fixed it myself. Not had any other problems at all, I have been very impressed with it reception wise.
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Thanks Lenny. We are also very impressed with the Snipe overall - very easy to use and good reception as you say. Its just this grating noise that is bothering us. It can't be doing the mechanism any good even if OH stops it after only a second or two. He then does the through the rooflight nudge, tries again and everything fine. And when we got this second replacement Avtex did say number 2 that also grated was "knackered". We are off to France for a month or so soon so will give it a good run and cross everything that it will be ok - or at least nudgable!! ?? Hazel
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Hazy Baby - 2015-05-03 3:35 PM


Thanks Lenny. We are also very impressed with the Snipe overall - very easy to use and good reception as you say. Its just this grating noise that is bothering us. It can't be doing the mechanism any good even if OH stops it after only a second or two. He then does the through the rooflight nudge, tries again and everything fine. And when we got this second replacement Avtex did say number 2 that also grated was "knackered". We are off to France for a month or so soon so will give it a good run and cross everything that it will be ok - or at least nudgable!! ?? Hazel


Sounds like the same fault as mine, if you look on the top of the base of the unit there is a round switch under a plastic cover, when it's playing up if you press down on the dish so it makes better contact I think you will find the motor will stop. Either the switch has worked loose or poor design if the latter a small square of 2mm - 3mm thick plastic glued to the underside of the dish would fix it.

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Thanks to all for your helpful advice and thoughts. Will try to solve if grating continues as don't want to have to keep travelling to and from RoadPro at Daventry for replacements! But it is strange that the general consensus is that it is a reliable piece of kit and we may just be unlucky that we've had two and now potentially three faulty ones. :'(
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