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Campsites in Southern Spain after Christmas please


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We hope to go down to southern Spain asap after Christmas, remaining there for a few months. I know some of you go down there and would be SO grateful for some tips. Route - we'll probably do the crossing to Dunkirk, what would be the best route south from there, bearing in mind the wintry weather at that time of year? Sites - the Caravan Club European Sites and the Alan Rogers Guide list several that stay open all year, but what are they REALLY like? Any personal recommendations? Once down there I will be on my own from time to time because the Other Half still has to earn a crust, so we have to get it right...
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In my view it is easier to cross into Spain on the med coast at that time of year. If you want a top quality site frequented by the fussy Germans take a look at Torre Le Sal 2 at Bencasim.In my view its better quality than a CC site in the UK
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Hi, Lots to consider here. The med route is more expensive, you will use the toll roads more. The west route is the main trunk road for hauliers to Portugal and the SE of Spain so the roads will be kept open at all times. You only need to use the toll roads in a couple of places It cost me £12.50 each way as apposed to £109 using the Med route. You can go without using the toll roads but it will take you a lot longer and at that time of year it can be miserable. Both routes are OK for stop overs, CCC do a winter routes and stopovers booklet. On the Ferry thing I think this year P&O are competing very well agains Norfolkline. so you can choose Dunkirk or Calais .
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Forget camping in Brittany in the depths of winter.....it can be wet but relatively mild like Cornwall.Personnally I only know one site that stays open all year. The weather you can normally expect in Spain is t shirt and shorts during the day but it does cool down in the evenings.Expect low 20 deg cent Bon voyage
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The sunniest part of southern Spain and the warmest in winter is Murcia. The south coast in Jan/Feb has a tendency to be breezy, and you will find only a few days where the temp gets much above about 16 to 18, even when sunny. There are lots of good camp sites, but, at that time of year, they become very full with over-winterers. Most of the good ones have web sites, so I'd suggest getting their details from sources such as the Caravan Club book or Alan Rogers (fewer sites, though) and then looking at their web site. To be sure of a decent pitch, you may well have to book ahead.
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I agree with Mel E - Murcia is the place to aim for. Two sites I can recommend are Internacional La Marina, La Marina, 17 miles south of Alicanti, and Los Madrilos, Isla Plana, 11 miles west of Cartagena, in that order. However, should you choose to try either you will need to move swiftly and book - they are very popular. You will be looking at average daily highs off 61f in January - 66f in March, which is as good as Malaga without the changeable conditions. The other problem on the Costa Del Sol is the awful site selection, we gave in long ago and now take to an apartment, heaven forbid, when in that area. Incidentally, if using Torre La Sal, make sure its the number 2 site and not number 1 or you will be sorry. There's a joke here somewhere! Have fun
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I meant to add that over the years e have tended to favour the western route down through France for several reasons. Nothing to do with cost but its more direct and avoids the "bandit highway" of the E15 to name just two. Also, back to Torre La Sal 2. You will lose about three degrees of heat there as apposed to Murcia and every little helps. However, having said that please don't blame me if the weather .................
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hi Vixter, re winter hols,this year we went Jan - April went over Millau Bridge and entered Spain by Narbonne.the N340 takes you nearly all the way down the med coast,We stopped at Bonttera Park in Benicassim -great place,then onto Fortuna (north of Murcia) there is two campsite 2 miles outside at Banos de Fortuna first on the right is Los Palmeros which is run by an yorkshireman - well i must say and the next is La Funte very with thermal pool ! more expensive but discount sor long stays. Further south outside Aguilas is Camping Canada ran ably by Geoff from Manchester we then went onto Caba De Gata caravan site very good,pool ,shop nice toilets (free) 240 euro's for one calendar month not far from Almeria,we headed south along the coast as far as Nerja and there was several good sites to stop at.We are going back at the end of Feb 07 for 10 weeks. Just remember take it easy and enjoy life in the SLOW lane,cheers tom and jen
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Thanks to everyone for the information so far. Clearly we need to give serious consideration to our route through/over/around the Pyrenees in January. We have a big ol' Clou Liner and tow a Smart car on a trailer, so would prefer a 'soft' route.
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Sorry, but this is mostly negative feedback rather than positive. We stayed at Cabopino in 2004 - an awful site - but I suspect that many of the Costa del Sol sites are like this! Our other Spanish one has now closed in Almeria. How about inland? Granada and Seville are wonderful places to visit and stay at - albeit for only a few days at each. I could look up the sites we stayed at if you were interested. We also visited Ronda. Colin Robinson.
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Colin Your suspicions are right - the rest are as bad, some worse than Cabopino. Blieve it or not that is a CCC 'Carefree' recommended site! Given the local facilities on offer you would think that they would try harder. We have also stayed at Mar Azul, a shame that the developers got hold of it.
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