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shower seals


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Hi can anyone help me, i have a bifold and a single door, which meet to close the shower, the seals are a bit worn, the doors don't close as tight as they should?


Remis is on them and I have tried a Google search with some results but nothing positive, any ideas if household suppliers any good as there are loads on ebay!


Van is 2005 hymer


Thanks snail

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Guest Joe90

I've used this for a multitude of anti rattle jobs around my vans cupboards and doors, cant imagine why you couldn't use it on your shower door as well, good adhesive, and the rubber "P" section in Brown or White which is a EPDM rubber recovers it's shape when not compressed, I've had it on my van in excess of a year now, and it's excellent. It comes in a 5 metre roll, but comprises two P section seals, very easy to cut down the centre if you only want a single seal and of course you end up with double the amount.

Transformed a cacophony of rattles to silence, only the missus rattles now.


Brown version here




White version here



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The shower doors on your Hymer will probably be the original “REMIstyle” type as shown here




I don’t know if you can obtain replacement seals for them (the design has now changed to “REMIstyle II”) but you could try contacting Remis or a UK supplier (GOOGLE on “remis remistyle”).


My 2005 Hobby motorhome had a bi-fold REMIstyle shower door and I’m not sure how you could use the seals suggested by Joe90 (though they are certainly cheap enough to be worth experimenting with).


The “Seals+Direct” company




has a very large range of seals and you might find one that will be suitable for your doors, or that can be adapted to make it so. (I obtained replacement rubber seals for my Hobby’s Remis roof-lights from Seals+Direct.)

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