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Who's going to the NEC then?

Mel B

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Hello Mel Im afraid we wont be going to the show, having bought Big Brian we dont want to go and see what else we could have bought and get all disillusioned. Which does lead me onto the question why do people go to these shows on a regular basis if they are happy with their M homes? Or am I the odd one out- most probabaly am. Will be at Wyvern Shepton Mallet for some bepoke habitation changes but no doubt will find and meet up with some Forum contributors in the fullness of time
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We will be going Saturday we do not have a van yet still looking quite fancey a Bessacar 410 there are some good deals on 2006 models plus we do not have a trade in, cant wait for the show to see all the goodies we might need and hopefully perhaps pick up a good deal with a van. regards Kelly
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"why do people go to these shows on a regular basis if they are happy with their M homes ........ " This was my query when we were at the Bath and West ....... I suppose motorhomers get together at these places which is more a social event rather than a shopping spree. Also old-timers were able to pass on lots of useful info to we virgins ;-)
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Hullo Mel, Lucky being retired we were able to go on Wednesday otherwise we would have liked to have met you - at some other show next year perhaps? We really enjoyed ourselves. I thought the layout was far better than the March show and much easier to move around in, apart from stands like Towsure which were doing a roaring trade it seemed. Quite interested by the Fleurettes. Low profile with single beds and the option of a third bed in the living area (at night of course!) We need three single beds. The wardrobe was in the shower room on the shortest model. Don't know what the build quality is like though and not as nice as our lovely Rapidos. Enjoy your time there Empress
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hi Mel, We went on Tuesday - Good show. Very quiet that day as the kids were at school and this made it pleasant for looking around. Keep away from the live entertainment - the thump,thump from the Flamenco dancer gave me a migraine. Plenty of new vans, on new chassis, so it is essential to keep hands firmly in pockets, and avoid temptation. Ken
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We went today (Friday) and didn't think there was any more there than there is in February but what is there is better spaced out so its easier to get around. All the usual suspects are in attendance both in the way of 'vans and accessory suppliers. Although we are most definitely not looking for a new 'van we did find one that we really liked. Its British built, low profile, rear "U" shaped lounge and quite spacious in a small 'van (around 19'). What is it? A Compass Avant Garde 120. How much was it? £25,000 as near as, a real snip! D.
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jUST GOT BACK TODAY. Enjoyed the show as it was a lot calmer than the Feb show. Stayed at Clent Hills which was very pleasant and we didn't get stuck in mud either as the weather was apauling. Bought some cleaing stuff, toilet treatment but best of all cornered the manufacturer of our van and Dometic to sort out a few problems. Nice to see them face to face when they can't run away anywhere! Good show and glad I didnt pay the exorbitant camp fees for a carpark at £20 a night. Clent Hills cost us £15.80 for 2 nights. Chris
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Apparently some were staying in the E5 car park for nowt. It was the only one that didn't have a 'no overnight camping' sign on and no-one had been told to move. The show itself seemed quiet by comparison to others we've been to at the NEC. Interesting looking at some of the new offerings though, the new Burstner budget 'A' class motorhomes seemed to be very good value at just over £40,000. You needed to add in options like drivers/passenger doors etc but at least you only paid for what you wanted and as the Burstner options were all half price they were stonking good value as well, eg around £200 for a fitted 3.5m awning, the only things that weren't subsidised were the Fiat options. We were sorely tempted ... but managed to resist ... for now at least ... just wait until the 'spare' endowment policy matures in a coupe of years!!!!
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We went to the NEC just to see what it was like and to confirm that we are quite happy with our La strada and don't regret buying it or want anything different. We were dissapointed that there was so few accessories there, I can't understand either why people go again and again. Oh we also went because we had free tickets!!!
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We went on Sunday. Got there about 7.30 and went straight into E1 car park. It looked like quite a few vans had spent the night there, as they were all in bed or emptying cassette toilets at the gents. We had breakfast, took the dogs for a stroll and waited for the doors to open at 10. thought it was a really good show, much better than those we used to go to at Earls Court. Loads of vans to look at, and lots of room in which to do it. Lots of pushy salesmen to try to make up their quotas for the week, you just have to be strong willed. Lots of vans to dream about, but her indoors says I've got to save my pennies first. Oh well, there is always next year!!! Happy dreaming
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