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Hymer C524 GT weight


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Hello there first post and motorhome newbie !


I'm 48 hours away from buying my first motorhome in a private sale and I've spoken to the owner and asked him email over a picture of the V5.


On inspection all appears fine.


Fiat Ducato

Motor Caravan

Private Light Goods (PLG)




Heavy Oil


Now for the confusion is has the Revenue weight as "6360.0 Kg Unladed"


There is no entry under the Gross Vehicle Weight.


All the technical specs and manufacturers spec say its should be 3500Kg GVW


The seller assures me it can be driven on standard car licence max 3500Kg but I thought is ask around.



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...it's not unknown for motorcaravans to have errors on their V5C emanating from the original registration. In many cases, the weight figures were simply omitted from the V5C.


The most common GVW (MAM) for a C524 would be 3500kg, and at least someone has accepted this if the taxation class is shown as PLG (as above this it should be PHG).


I'm not sure where the figure of 6360kg has come from (particularly if it is followed by "unladen"). It's a trifle high, even for the GTW.


I would suspect all is above-board, but caveat emptor, and I would certainly want the document correcting (and would probably want the vendor to start the dialogue with the DVLA).


FWIW, if you don't know, a standard car licence issued from 1st Jan 1997 will cover you up to 3500kg, one issued prior to that will cover you up to 7.5t (subject to various health and age criteria).

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"6360.0 Kg Unladed"


Must be a 10 tonne truck you are buying :D As Robin says, V5's are often wrong.


There should be 2 plates on the van one under the bonnet a Fiat one and a Hymer one on the side of the van usually with a Hymer on the R/H side on the skirt near the wheel arch or habitation door, the Hymer one is the one that should be correct, and should give, Gross weight, Front & Real axle weights & Gross Train weight.

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Just a word of caution! Do check your available payload, as a lot of vans can have very limited payload, and in my very humble opinion, you really need at least 5 to 600 kgs available, especially if you are loading up for a trip with family, bikes dogs etc. It can get VERY limiting!

That said, good luck with your purchase!

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Thanks everyone, panic over I've check with the owner and he emailed me a picture of the vehicle plate confirming its a GVW 3500kg, obviously a V5 error which I will have to resolve.


I will be taking it to the weigh bridge adjacent to where I work to ensure I'm within the legal limit once I've loaded it up with all the essentials.


Beware all I will be back with a list of newbie questions in due course!

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Guest JudgeMental
Surely better to weigh it before buying it...how else do you know its a practical van in use. I can assure you many are not!
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