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what size solar panals


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I have a small 2 birth camper and would like to fit a solar panel. Can anyone advice me what size I need. I would be using .water pump.lights . TV.satellite box.only. all 12 volt. I only have a small amount of room so cannot go too big with panal
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As Joe says bigger is better.

80w should do the job, many manage fine with an 80w panel. Remember it's no good getting all that solar energy if you can't store it, so a good battery or even better, two batteries is best.


I have 2 x 80w panels and 2 x 100 ah batteries, I can manage indefinitely in sunny climes, less in the UK or when the sun doesn't shine.


Any size panel is better than none though, and you can always add another one at a later date if you need it.



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We had an 80 watt on the last van was OK May to September, current van we have 2 x 100 watt still not enough for winter use, as said the bigger the better. If you only have one leisure battery it is worth doubling that up before thing about solar.


a lot of people think there batteries are fully charged when on solar when in fact they are not, particularly in the case of Gel's & often AGM's where once the reach about 14.3 volts they need to be held at that voltage for 8 hours to achieve a full charge.

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100 watt and single 125ah battery on ours. Always got loads of power this time of year. Had the laptop running all day yesterday, TV all night, lights, shower etc. Still fully charged.


I think the type of controller / regulator you use makes a difference as well. Dont go for a cheap one. Get an MPPT Controller like this one from Maximum Solar. A fair few motorhomers including myself used this seller and bought this controller. Good kit. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAX-20A-200W-PV-mppt-solar-charge-controller-LCD-12V-LVD-LVR-/130882109279?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1e792e7f5f


We have been static on a CL for 19 nights now and its almost like we are on hookup.

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