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Barcelona ring road or not


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We have had a great week at Camping Bara Park (only 13.75 euro per night). We are moving north up to Estaritt on Thursday and trying to decide what would be the safest route through or around Barcelona. Having heard so many reports/rumours about hi jacking etc. I am looking for some advice from others who have past this way before.


We heard warnings of robbing and pick pocketing in the city but we have been in today and felt as save as we have been in any other European city. So am I worrying unnecessarly about driving around it.

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Do not believe all these rumours. Travelled round last year and absolutely no problems or any signs. If you consider the chances of these alleged robbers coming upon you are extremely slim and then you have to be foolish enough to stop. Put the tale way into the back of your mind and just go and enjoy yourself.

I take a greater risk travelling from Gretna to Dover where there are many bandits on the road. :-D


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Having spent an enjoyable 5 days at Camping Barcelona at Mataro north of Barcelona and visiting the city twice during our stay I must say that the the experience was very pleasant. You just have to be careful, as you would in any large city. There appeared to be a large police presence keeping the undesirables at bay, beggars on the streets but not pressuring you. Most of the street entertainers are gone from Las Ramblas except at the Port Veil end where there are 6 or 7 still giving good value and entertaining the crowd.

As for the Ring Road, my advise is to ignore any attempt by anyone to stop you. Lock all doors and keep motoring until you feel safe to stop...you be the judge. Best of all enjoy what is a very beautiful city.

By the way Camping Barcelona has a free shuttle bus into the city (off season) and I must say is one of the best sites I have stayed on in many years of motorhoming.

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Well we made it through Barceona on the C32 ring road without eing ambushed (lol) , it was uneventful except having to get in the correct lane so as not to disappear in to the city.


When we got to near to Loret de mar we stopped in a Lidl car park to have breather and a Dutch guy came over to us and warned us not to leave the van unattended as his campervan had just been broken in to whilst he was shopping and they had is wifes hand bag stolen out of it. We moved on rather quickly. 8o|

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