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Fiamma secure door locks


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We're thinking about fitting some type of Fiamma door lock to the habitation door of our 12 year old Elddis Autoquest 200.




I know there are conflicting (sometimes quite strongly held) opinions about the necessity or usefulness of fitting this type of lock and I don't wish start another discussion thread on that subject.

My question is this - does anyone know whether these have been independently tested to see how effective they are at resisting attack?



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As Bill says (I think!) these types of door locks will not have been independently tested for attack resistance. If they had been (and the results had been complimentary) it’s certain this information would be loudly trumpeted in a product’s advertising.


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I have these fitted to both of my rear garage doors, and a lockable assist handle type fitted to the habitation door, it has been said that a determined thief with a crowbar will just lever them off, damaging the van in the process, that may be so, but I would rather that than just allow them easy access, if so, don't even bother to lock them, BUT your insurance might not be happy. Not all opportunist thieves carry a crowbar with them.We also have the alloy interior locks on the cab doors.And a small safe. A bit 'belt and braces' perhaps?But then we have never been broken into or had anything stolen. Yet!
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We went caravanning all over Scotland, and sometimes England, for years, without any extra security. Usually we never even bothered using the locks we already had.

Then we changed to a motorhome, with the idea of taking it abroad. We added a Fiamma door lock, and a chain to secure the cab doors together from inside, and our daughter accused us of being a bit racist, assuming that all these Continental types were more lightfingered than our homegrown British variety.

And she was right, that's exactly what we were doing. :$

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Racist for not wanting folk stealing your property......mmm that's an odd way of looking at it. Especially as lorries are being broken into in broad daylight, and drivers threatened at the channel ports. I think it is purely common sense.
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michaelmorris - 2015-06-12 11:14 PM


We're thinking about fitting some type of Fiamma door lock to the habitation door of our 12 year old Elddis Autoquest 200.




I know there are conflicting (sometimes quite strongly held) opinions about the necessity or usefulness of fitting this type of lock and I don't wish start another discussion thread on that subject.

My question is this - does anyone know whether these have been independently tested to see how effective they are at resisting attack?




We have fitted one like that but ours can be locked from the inside as well, much better , as youi can lock it at night. It is a Fiammi one, my OH fitted it himself We also have a handle type, partly for security and also for use as a handle on the two steps


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Archiesgrandad - 2015-06-16 10:19 AM


And they don't need a crowbar to gain access, you could cut through most of the side panels with a Stanley knife, or even a well aimed kick.


And using that as a criteria why not leave your Motorhome open with keys in the ignition!

Obviously no MH is safe from a determined thief or you can do is make it as difficult for them as possible,

In the hope they will look for easier pickings,

I have fitted these to my A class and find they are practical and excellent visual deterrent, my plastic windows are a good five foot off the ground so not easy to climb through with the blind in situ, plus I have reed switches on them for the alarm,


Pays you money and take your choice, my dead locks can be operated from the inside as well so we use them all the time regardless if it's bedtime or we are out on the town,

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Guest Joe90
I guess this whole security issue comes down to just a couple of things, what folk keep in their van, and where you park up, personally if I ever feel the need to turn my van into a security fortress I'll pack the whole thing in, and If by some bad luck someone did get in they'd get about £200 worth of gear, I'll not lose any sleep over that, nor fret about not having every security device known to man.
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Guest Joe90
I guess this whole security issue comes down to just a couple of things, what folk keep in their van, and where you park up, personally if I ever feel the need to turn my van into a security fortress I'll pack the whole thing in, and If by some bad luck someone did get in they'd get about £200 worth of gear, I'll not lose any sleep over that, nor fret about not having every security device known to man.
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