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Elddis battery charging


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Try as hard as I might (dealer + Elddis - both a waste of time), I have been unable to determine whether both leisure and engine batteries are being charged when on EHU (or indeed if you can switch between one or the other as per my old AS Symbol)


The MH is an Accordo 135, but I’m sure the charging systems will be the same across other ranges.


All it says in the manual is “charging is automatic”, not very helpful - does anyone know?



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Not an expert, I am sure others with better knowledge will be along soon.

From my understanding, when your on EHU the standard chargers fitted to M/H's will normaly charge your main leisure battery / batteries 1st with a small trickle charge to the engine battery.

On our main panel, when i look at the charge levels it gives a reading of both the levels on both my leisure batteries as well as the charge on the engine battery.

Hope this helps.
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clifford60 - 2015-06-16 4:21 PM


Hi there, Invest in a cheap multi meter. Check voltage of each battery ( should be 12-13volts). Plug in EHU. If charging, voltage should go up to around 14.4volts. All the Best, Ian.


Thanks, it looks like that's what I'll have to do (I have a multi meter), unless someone comes along with a definitive answer.


Bit of a pain, having to take the carpets up and battery cover off (Peugeot Boxer cab). Can the battery voltage be checked from the jump start pins in the engine bay?, or will the voltage drop be to much at this location.



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Best to take the voltages direct from the battery terminals, as then there can be no doubts. Disconnect the EHU at least an hour before you take the voltages, and make sure that all 12V lights/appliances, cab radio etc, are all off. This should give a reliable indication of the "resting" battery charge levels. Then just re-connect the EHU and immediately take the voltages again when, as Clifford describes, you'll know what is being charged. You may not see so high a voltage at the starter battery, as the charge provided is usually only a maintenance charge - but you should still see a visible voltage up-tick when the mains power comes back in.
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Hi Brian, I, also, am no expert but I believe the jump start points would be OK for testing purposes. I assume they go direct to the engine battery so you should see a noticable difference once the EHU is connected. As for the leisure battery you will have to find it and test seperately. My van is old so the EHU only charges the leisure battery. The alternator takes care of the engine battery. Best of Luck, Ian.
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Thanks guys,


Actually I couldn’t find the positive pin for the jump start (found the negative OK), so decided to lift the carpet and remove the battery cover in front of the passenger seat (wasn’t that bad). Took a reading, actually several, with the EHU plugged in (it already was). Recorded 15.3v (now I’m worried, that seems high). I’ll give it another 1/2hr and check again as I’ve switched the EHU off.


Not sure if you can upload pictures to this forum, but this is what a 2015 Peugeot Boxer battery looks like, (yes I know it’s the wrong battery, should be 950Ah - things are in hand).





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We have the Accordo 105 and the engine battery is not charged by the hook up. I emailed Elddis when the van was new last year and they confirmed this. I bought a lidl smart charger and wired it into the existing charger mcb through a switched fused spur and it works great.

If you want to make sure though you can measure battery voltages with the jump start terminal under the bonnet.

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Thanks, that’s the answer I was looking for, well actually, it wasn’t :-(


Seems my multi meter is some way way out, yet consistent, 15.3v either on hook up or off it. As I have an alarm and tracker running off the engine battery I’m now concerned - what’s the best option, a smart charger or Battery Master?


Thanks again for the input, much appreciated (shame Elddis can’t provide this information in their manual >:-) )



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Brian_K - 2015-06-16 8:44 PM


...Seems my multi meter is some way way out, yet consistent, 15.3v either on hook up or off it. As I have an alarm and tracker running off the engine battery I’m now concerned - what’s the best option, a smart charger or Battery Master?...




If your multimeter is reading 15.3V when your motorhome’s starter-battery is not receiving charge (or has not been charged in - say - the previous couple of hours) you’d be well advised to chuck your meter in the bin.


You might find a fully-charged ‘at rest’ 12V battery with a voltage of 13V, but definitely not much more than that. And an in-situ starter-battery will normally be maintaining a modern vehicle’s electronics, which will have some impact on the voltage measurement.


Accordo battery-charging was discussed here




I notice that the Accordo handbook is now downloadable from the Elddis website, but starter-battery charging via the motorhome’s on-board battery charger (or rather the lack of that capability) is still not mentioned.

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Thanks, I previously read the link you mentioned, but no conclusive answer regarding the charging of the leisure/engine batteries was forthcoming, hence my post.


I have the .pdf handbook file from the Elddis website, as you say, not very helpful.


I’m presently seeking advice on the best way to have both batteries charging at the same time or at least the facility to switch charging between the two.


Multimeter went in the bin last night !!!



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