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12v bulb/switch removal


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Autosleeper Duetto (1996)


I think the bulb has gone on the red,12v switch on the fridge.


It was working but has stopped.


Question:- Does the bulb/switch just prise out of panel (on the fridge) or do I have to do a little demolishing to get at it.





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Hi Fred, I still look in here very occasionally.

Not sure which model of fridge is in your Duetto, but on mine the whole top panel is held in by two screws, so rather than try to prise the switch out (and risk damage), I'd be inclined to remove the panel and have a butchers behnd it first.



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  • 1 month later...

Well what seemed like an easy job was anything but.


I got the switch out with no bother but surprise surprise there were no wires connected to it.


I could see the wires through the hole left by the switch and, using a pair of long nosed pliers, gentle pulled on them to make them long enough to put the new switch on. Only one wire wanted to give and try as I might the other two would not budge.


Removing the panel from the rear of the fridge didn't help as the wires go into a plastic covered box.


To get at the box I had to remove the four screws in the fridge door frame and pull the fridge forward (after consulting the man who services the motohome) about six inches

The wires were only just long enough to reach the switch when it was in situ and were attached to a small block connector.


I removed and extended the wires to enable the switch to be replaced easily should it go again.


Job done works well


The replacement switch was from Halfords and was slightly bigger than the old one but a few minutes with a file soon enlarged the hole













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