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Elevating roofs recommendations?


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We are just ordering a Bilbos conversion on a LWB T5 (our first camper van!), and the question arises as to which elevating roof should we chose. Bilbo's standard side elevating roof has a very nice 'plasticised' material, but the wider Reimo roof has what feels like very thin canvas. We prefer the width of the Reimo roof but are concerned as to how much cold/damp it will let through. Obviously it could be treated with a spray-on water-proofer from time to time to help. Does anyone have experience of the Reimo roof in slightly damp/chilly/windy conditions? The recent Which Caravan (or similar) group test of the various T5 conversions available didn't really touch on this aspect of the roofs, which leads me to suspect that it may not be a problem, but any experiences/advise would be gratefully received.
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Hi and welcome to the forum ' family'. Whatever elevating roof you get you're going to have some sort of soft pliable material to contend with (apart from solid side elevating roof Autosleepers of course). They will all be waterproof but when it's cold, wet, damp etc none of them are ever going to keep you as warm and snug as with a solid roof, they are after all just like having a tent as the top of your van! However, saying that, if it is really too cold etc you can at least close them down to conserve heat but that does then restrict your movement inside the van. One question I would ask is what are they like for condensation - is the plastic one better/worse than the canvas one or vice-versa? When we had a tent in the morning the plastic 'windows' used to stream with condensation but the canvas never did, whether it's the same for elevating roof materials I don't know but somebody on here will I'm sure. (lol)
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I don't think condensation will be a problem - both roofs have vents (with insect mesh). We need an elevating roof in order to get enough beds for our family in a small enough vehicle. It's amazing how many of the lovely big coach-builts are designed for couples only and not families - but I guess the manufacturers must know their market.
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