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Diabetic - Chance Of Regaining C1E?

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental

I may be coming off insulin as blood sugars are so well controlled and hardly on any insulin at all. I was wondering if anyone had an idea as to whether I could get my C1E entitlement back which i lost when I started insulin...


I will ring the DVLA (wish me luck as I will need it talking to those clowns!:)) but was just wondering if i'm barking up he wrong tree..We live in hope.


Its not as if I want to go out and buy an RV:D but it would be nice to get out from under the yoke of the injections,chances of hypos and license restrictions



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Guest JudgeMental

well I called DVLA and as I suspected about as pointless as talking to a wall. some robot reading of a script..programmed to repeat with no deviation.


I simply wanted to know a general "what if". but they cant handle such inquires.......where do they get these staff!lol


when you come of insulin we will send a form..when you come of insulin we will send a form..when you come of insulin we will send a form..when you come of insulin we will send a form


Get the picture? :D

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Know exacltly what you mean. The call center staff need little or no training (cheap!) and have a list with corresponding actions. Simples!!! Trouble is, that when an unforeseen query arises, there is no one around who can take it to a ligher level and also no communication channel. But hey ho, if they can keep 80% happy, then we 20% can go and whistle at the moon.


Took me 2 years to transfer my pension to Switzerland. Each time the same, listen to irritating music in the telephone queue and then start everything from the beginning again.


I hope you get sorted. Luckily in Federal Switzerland there is no central DVLA and each county has it's own. At least one can go there and bang on the counter.



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Guest JudgeMental

called again and just asked for the forms


At least know I know the answer as have two choices: I can either go for the car license (restricted to 3500 I guess as now). Or if I want the C1E I have to meet the higher medical requirements.:(


So as I feared you don't automatically regain the C1E


It would be nice to just get a normal license back and not worry every 3 years......More then happy to stay at 3500kg




Out of interest anyone know what the higher medical requirements are?



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Don't get your hopes up to high regarding coming off insulin long term. What you are experiencing is what is often referred to as a honeymoon period and is not uncommon. Normally it only lasts a few months and then you will be back on insulin. In my case it lasted for more than three years and I thought I was off insulin for good but I'm back on it now and have been for many years.


If you can prove that you seriously have the situation under control when on insulin you may be able to get your licence to drive over 3,500 but you will have to jump through hoops every year to keep it and if you fail you'll have a motorhome you can no longer drive. If you do want to give it a go get a blood meter that will recording your blood readings over a long period and use this as evidence.


Personally given I'm the wrong side of seventy and a long term diabetic I simply can't be bothered even though my control is so good I would proberbly be successful.


Even if you go for a standard car licence you will still need to apply for a new one every three years.


Good luck whatever you decide to do

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JudgeMental - 2015-07-01 10:36 AM


called again and just asked for the forms


At least know I know the answer as have two choices: I can either go for the car license (restricted to 3500 I guess as now). Or if I want the C1E I have to meet the higher medical requirements.:(


So as I feared you don't automatically regain the C1E


It would be nice to just get a normal license back and not worry every 3 years......More then happy to stay at 3500kg




Out of interest anyone know what the higher medical requirements are?



The details of what you would require are clearly set out on the DVL web site.

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Guest JudgeMental
Colin Leake - 2015-07-01 7:42 PM


Don't get your hopes up to high regarding coming off insulin long term. What you are experiencing is what is often referred to as a honeymoon period and is not uncommon. Normally it only lasts a few months and then you will be back on insulin. In my case it lasted for more than three years and I thought I was off insulin for good but I'm back on it now and have been for many years.


If you can prove that you seriously have the situation under control when on insulin you may be able to get your licence to drive over 3,500 but you will have to jump through hoops every year to keep it and if you fail you'll have a motorhome you can no longer drive. If you do want to give it a go get a blood meter that will recording your blood readings over a long period and use this as evidence.


Personally given I'm the wrong side of seventy and a long term diabetic I simply can't be bothered even though my control is so good I would proberbly be successful.


Even if you go for a standard car licence you will still need to apply for a new one every three years.


Good luck whatever you decide to do


Thanks Colin. Oh so will still be a three year license so no different, as you say waste of time then. *-)


Happy with 3500 as don't really like big vans, so that not the issue.


consultant said even if I came of there are new tablets these days if it went up a bit. My HB1 is 43 and has been for years...

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With the three year job you will still need to fill in a special form as a diabetic and they will want to check up with your consultant or in my case the diabetic nurse at our practice. It's quite a simple form and as long as your consultant is happy when they check up you should have no problems. I went back on pills at one time but found the control they gave was not as good as insulin and I didn't like the side effects so I simply told my doctor I wanted to go back on insulin.
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