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Headlight Converters


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Finally our Bailey Advance 665 arrived today (5 months after ordering it). When we picked it up we asked about headlight converters for when we go to Europe next week. The guy said as long as we are travelling for less than 90 days we don't need to convert? We have daytime running lights but I know in Switzerland you are supposed to drive on dipped headlights at all time.

I guess my question is - do we need to convert, which would be quite tricky to do on the headlights I'm guessing?

Thanks in advance


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I think the advice given is wrong. The main point of headlight converters or ‘beam benders’ is to not dazzle oncoming traffic. You never know when you may, by circumstances be forced to travel in the dark. We buy the converters off e-bay for about £3. They are simply self adhesive plastic patches. They come with comprehensive instructions for the myriad headlamps that are around and are very easy to fit. I usually fit/remove ours at the Channel port.

Cattwg :-D

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You have so little time I'll try to help off the top of my head. The legal requirement is that you must not cause dazzle to other road users. If you won't drive at night, which is the main time when this would be problematic, you may be OK. If you will drive at night, you should fit appropriate masks.


If your van has adjustable headlights (meaning a means of adjusting their vertical alignment from the dashboard), and you adjust them to their lowest position, you should meet the anti-dazzle requirement OK in daytime situations where dipped beams are required (in poor visibility, rain, fog, snow or tunnels etc.). If the headlamps are not adjustable, you should fit appropriate masks.


My understanding of the Swiss law is that if the vehicle is fitted with DRLs the dipped beams are not additionally required in good daytime visibility (though they must still be used, as above, where specifically required). See here: http://tinyurl.com/psau4ck


I don't know where your dealer got the bit about 90 days but it is, IMO, seriously misleading (and potentially expensively misleading) tosh!

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I did not notice the "next week" part of your original post. The self adhesive converters are also available from Halfords and usually from the shop on-board the ferry. Although they are more expensive in both cases.

As an aside.

I believe I'm right in saying that a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher are compulsory in France. Other countries vary in their legal requirements. The AA website gives some information on this issue.

Cattwg :-D

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The next question will probably be where exactly to fit them as it will be a facelift model with the newer style headlamps and the accessory companies have probably not caught up with that. My 2012 model has adjustable lights anyway so Brian's point is valid presuming the later model has the same facility.
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thanks for all the replies - I was a bit suspicious of his 90 talk to be honest. We did buy a set of converters from Go Outdoors so will see what we can do with them. We aren't planning on driving at night but you just never know. We do have a first aid kit and all the other necessary, apart from a fire extinguisher which is next on my list. Planning one night away tomorrow to try the van out before we set off next week. So much to do, so little time!
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