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Use domestic sewer access cover for dumping???


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I was just reading an american RV post about dumping waste at home. It was mentioned that some 'municipalities' ban this.


We sometimes arrive home with 'business' in the cassette, which until now I've emptied into our downstairs toilet with extreme caution not to splash etc..


There is an access manhole outside, so I thought I might lift it and dump there. Anybody done likewise and is it allowed? I'll have to ask here in Switzerland, but it would also be useful when visiting relatives in GB.



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I've been doing exactly that (both of) for nigh on 50 years and nobody has ever complained!


You might need to check that you don't empty into a septic tank as the chemicals, formaldehyde I think mainly, may harm the biological process - apparantly - which I believe is why the very expensive green liquid was introduced?

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I dumped our toilet cassette, complete with blue liquid, into our manhole, which leads to a septic tank, and over a priod of 2 years it didn't appear to compromise the septic tank in any way. We probably only did it a dozen times per year or less, so doing it more frequently might be more of a risk but we certainly didn't have any problems.
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Guest Joe90
Must confess I'm mystified by the question, don't we all do our dumps in the loo, so what's the problem with a cassette down the loo as long as it is connected to the main sewer if using formaldehyde, as for lifting manhole covers, I wouldn't, you may enjoy your neighbours pong as well as your own, as well as putting your back out ;-)
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manxli - 2015-07-14 8:14 PM




I was just reading an american RV post about dumping waste at home. It was mentioned that some 'municipalities' ban this.


We sometimes arrive home with 'business' in the cassette, which until now I've emptied into our downstairs toilet with extreme caution not to splash etc..


There is an access manhole outside, so I thought I might lift it and dump there. Anybody done likewise and is it allowed? I'll have to ask here in Switzerland, but it would also be useful when visiting relatives in GB.




I can't underestand what you think the difference is from dumping waste down the toilet or putting directly into a sewer??? Thats exactly the place it should be going. You clearly have never free camped in Spain.

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I do it every time we come home, we are on main sewers. I would not put into a septic tank.


There are toilet fluids that can be put in septic tanks. I bought some once as we were stopping at a site with septic tanks. Toilets with normal fluid had to be emptied in to separate tank for removal by tanker.

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American RV's can have black waste tanks of very large capacities (100 gallons + ?) perhaps this is the reason for municipal bans. as the solids will most likely sink to the bottom of the tank coming out of the hose first and blocking the sewer. not like our small cassettes.


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The reason for the question is that I need to carry the cassette through the front door and along the entrance lobby to the WC. Even with care, there can be splashes, which I then need to clean up.


The access cover is directly beside the gravel area where I park the MH. I was wondering about fitting some sort of funnel maybe, rather than lifting the cover. Luckily, the garden hose point is also nearby for flushing.


We live adjacent to farm land in the country, so neighbours not a problem. The farm up the lane often hose down their barn, letting water run down the gulleys. So I have no problem in letting the grey water out into the next drain.


I suppose the US RV capacities could be the reason for the ban there too. Anyone seen the film "RV" with Robin Williams?



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Guest JudgeMental

Dear oh dear *-) with a SOG (no chemicals!) you can dump domestically..Should set the GREEN party on the lot of you 8-)


Alan..you should know better you cant even wash a car at home in Germany (i know your in Switzerland)

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Guest JudgeMental
manxli - 2015-07-14 9:37 PM




The reason for the question is that I need to carry the cassette through the front door and along the entrance lobby to the WC. Even with care, there can be splashes, which I then need to clean up.


The access cover is directly beside the gravel area where I park the MH. I was wondering about fitting some sort of funnel maybe, rather than lifting the cover. Luckily, the garden hose point is also nearby for flushing.


We live adjacent to farm land in the country, so neighbours not a problem. The farm up the lane often hose down their barn, letting water run down the gulleys. So I have no problem in letting the grey water out into the next drain.


I suppose the US RV capacities could be the reason for the ban there too. Anyone seen the film "RV" with Robin Williams?




Couple of things.. The rats in sewer system will appreciate you adding a funnel for easy access to your property. Secondly sewer systems contain gas that can kill and people have died putting their heads down access covers below ground level while working on them. even BT engineers street cabling have died doing same under their manholes.. A toilet has a trap with good reason it is an air lock?

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JudgeMental - 2015-07-15 8:12 AM


manxli - 2015-07-14 9:37 PM




The reason for the question is that I need to carry the cassette through the front door and along the entrance lobby to the WC. Even with care, there can be splashes, which I then need to clean up.


The access cover is directly beside the gravel area where I park the MH. I was wondering about fitting some sort of funnel maybe, rather than lifting the cover. Luckily, the garden hose point is also nearby for flushing.


We live adjacent to farm land in the country, so neighbours not a problem. The farm up the lane often hose down their barn, letting water run down the gulleys. So I have no problem in letting the grey water out into the next drain.


I suppose the US RV capacities could be the reason for the ban there too. Anyone seen the film "RV" with Robin Williams?




Couple of things.. The rats in sewer system will appreciate you adding a funnel for easy access to your property. Secondly sewer systems contain gas that can kill and people have died putting their heads down access covers below ground level while working on them. even BT engineers street cabling have died doing same under their manholes.. A toilet has a trap with good reason it is an air lock?

As an ex-GPO engineer,we ALWAYS conducted a gas test before entering any below ground structure. The device we used drew in air through a long tube and was analysed in the unit,sufficient to reach the bottom of a manhole. As for dumping waste,if you are on main sewer its no difference than using the loo at home. However if you are not on main sewer you need to be aware of the effects of certain formaldehyde additives have on septic tank systems etc.

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If you have your own sewage treatment plant or septic tank never put a formaldehyde based liquid anywhere near it - you could stop it working.

Many houses have separate surface and foul manhole. Your surface water manhole may well drain either to a local stream or to local groundwater - either way both polluting and illegal. How are you sure you are tipping it down the right drain?

As for tipping into a roadside drain! That will almost certainly go in a local watercourse. Again polluting and illegal, not to mention highly insanitary.

I just don't get why you can't tip it down your loo - simple.

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manxli - 2015-07-14 9:37 PM Hi


The reason for the question is that I need to carry the cassette through the front door and along the entrance lobby to the WC. Even with care, there can be splashes, which I then need to clean up.........................


I make a point of emptying and rinsing the cassette at our last port of call before leaving for home, and then just add water to it to dilute whatever goes into it en route for home. So, on arrival, the cassette has minimal contents, which I find can be tipped into the toilet without mishap. Couldn't this work?

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For goodness sake, the questions asked on the forum sometimes beggar belief. Surely people are capable of knowing if they have main drainage or not and if they have a surface water drain, very unlikely. If you do not wish to empty down the toilet stick a screwdriver under a manhole cover lift it and pour it in, how hard is that.
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michaelmorris - 2015-07-15 5:18 PM...................As for tipping into a roadside drain! That will almost certainly go in a local watercourse. Again polluting and illegal, not to mention highly insanitary.........................

I don't think anyone did suggest tipping the cassette contents into a road drain, Michael. It was suggested in another string, in respect of grey water - which is a horse of a rather different colour.


What the waste tank actually contains will obviously vary considerably, depending of how people use their vans. Whether a road drain is a reasonable place to dump grey water will depend upon whether the drain is connected to a sewage system (many are), a surface water system, or merely a ditch.


Common sense (that rare commodity! :-)) is needed in deciding what it is appropriate to empty into which, but a toilet cassette should only ever be emptied into a facility (be it a toilet, or a dedicated toilet waste dump) connected to a sewer or a cesspit.

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Guest pelmetman

Cesspits ain't that sensitive to the odd chemical dump ;-) ........We've has cesspits for years and I love them, they've saved me a fortune in sewage rates B-) .............


Sadly we maybe moving back to civilization and mains drainage...........Er in doors bus pass has got a lot to answer for *-) ..............



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its all a matter of dilution, In many of the drier parts of the world the proportion of water in sewage is much lower than the UK. A RV dumping a hundred litres or more of heavily treated with formaldehyde sewage into some small sewage treatment systems could well upset its biological action. The average 20 litre cassette is just a drop in the ocean to the vast majority of UK municipal systems.


The same principle applies with sewage gas. Descending into a high concentration of gas in an inspection pit or manhole is very dangerous but a the risks involved from a minute or so standing upright while emptying a cassette where the sewage gas is rapidly diluted by fresh air is must be very low.

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Guest JudgeMental
yeti - 2015-07-15 1:37 PM


JudgeMental - 2015-07-15 8:12 AM


manxli - 2015-07-14 9:37 PM




The reason for the question is that I need to carry the cassette through the front door and along the entrance lobby to the WC. Even with care, there can be splashes, which I then need to clean up.


The access cover is directly beside the gravel area where I park the MH. I was wondering about fitting some sort of funnel maybe, rather than lifting the cover. Luckily, the garden hose point is also nearby for flushing.


We live adjacent to farm land in the country, so neighbours not a problem. The farm up the lane often hose down their barn, letting water run down the gulleys. So I have no problem in letting the grey water out into the next drain.


I suppose the US RV capacities could be the reason for the ban there too. Anyone seen the film "RV" with Robin Williams?




Couple of things.. The rats in sewer system will appreciate you adding a funnel for easy access to your property. Secondly sewer systems contain gas that can kill and people have died putting their heads down access covers below ground level while working on them. even BT engineers street cabling have died doing same under their manholes.. A toilet has a trap with good reason it is an air lock?

As an ex-GPO engineer,we ALWAYS conducted a gas test before entering any below ground structure. The device we used drew in air through a long tube and was analysed in the unit,sufficient to reach the bottom of a manhole. As for dumping waste,if you are on main sewer its no difference than using the loo at home. However if you are not on main sewer you need to be aware of the effects of certain formaldehyde additives have on septic tank systems etc.


I know that..you know that but report I read when I was working in H&S confirmed he had either not been trained properly or was under pressure, taking short cuts...hence the death. Have looked for link cant find it

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rupert123 - 2015-07-15 6:01 PM


For goodness sake, the questions asked on the forum sometimes beggar belief. Surely people are capable of knowing if they have main drainage or not and if they have a surface water drain, very unlikely. If you do not wish to empty down the toilet stick a screwdriver under a manhole cover lift it and pour it in, how hard is that.


Ah but Henry what you have not taken into consideration is that in all walks of life there is always someone who will make any simple issue as complex as they can - it's more than their job's worth not to you know!!


In another world they are known as 'managers' or 'politicians' or even grander sounding but meaningless titles whereas on here they are simply known as 'members'!


It is unforgivable that you failed to explain that it needs a flat bladed screwdriver not a pozidrive ended one to lift a manhole cover and that full safety barriers and flashing lights should be installed first together with signs reading 'danger deep water' and 'steep drop' and 'beware of t'ole' and 'slippery when wet' and one of they signs depicting a car falling off the edge of a harbour wall into the water!!

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Must admit I'm a bit mystified by this question, which I understand is :



Should I empty my cassette into a toilet bowl and flush it down into the sewer, or should I put it straight into the sewer ?




(?) (?)


if you are not sure where it goes when flushed down the toilet, you could lift the manhole cover - then get someone to flush the toilet - and you will see whether or not you have found the correct sewer access point.

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