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Use domestic sewer access cover for dumping???


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Guest pelmetman

I never realised life was so complicated :-S ................


So after 20+ years of dumping it down what I thought was the bog drain *-) .............


From now on I'll dump it in the hedgerows like the Gypo's do with their doo doo :D ............





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pelmetman - 2015-07-15 8:55 PM

I never realised life was so complicated :-S ................

So after 20+ years of dumping it down what I thought was the bog drain *-) .............

From now on I'll dump it in the hedgerows like the Gypo's do with their doo doo :D ............


Or just do what the railways do and let it out through a hole in the floor - and patent the idea as anti tailgating!!


Good job airlines don't do it that way innit or we would all be in deep doo dah!!

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Tracker - 2015-07-15 7:55 PM


rupert123 - 2015-07-15 6:01 PM


For goodness sake, the questions asked on the forum sometimes beggar belief. Surely people are capable of knowing if they have main drainage or not and if they have a surface water drain, very unlikely. If you do not wish to empty down the toilet stick a screwdriver under a manhole cover lift it and pour it in, how hard is that.


Ah but Henry what you have not taken into consideration is that in all walks of life there is always someone who will make any simple issue as complex as they can - it's more than their job's worth not to you know!!


In another world they are known as 'managers' or 'politicians' or even grander sounding but meaningless titles whereas on here they are simply known as 'members'!


It is unforgivable that you failed to explain that it needs a flat bladed screwdriver not a pozidrive ended one to lift a manhole cover and that full safety barriers and flashing lights should be installed first together with signs reading 'danger deep water' and 'steep drop' and 'beware of t'ole' and 'slippery when wet' and one of they signs depicting a car falling off the edge of a harbour wall into the water!!

Yes sorry about that Rich, in fact you will probably need two flat blade screwdrivers.

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antony1969 - 2015-07-14 9:26 PM


We always do it , saves trailing it into the house ... If I've parked by mistake on the cover I normally throw it down the roadside drain and chuck a couple of cups of water to swill it down


The road side drain probably goes in to a nearby stream or culvert I am sure the wild life will appreciate you doing that.

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Cliffy - 2015-07-15 11:06 PM


antony1969 - 2015-07-14 9:26 PM


We always do it , saves trailing it into the house ... If I've parked by mistake on the cover I normally throw it down the roadside drain and chuck a couple of cups of water to swill it down


The road side drain probably goes in to a nearby stream or culvert I am sure the wild life will appreciate you doing that.


We have a healthy diet so it should be ok

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Our local Household Recycling Centre will accept waste (eg. pet bedding contaminated with faeces) as long as the pets are vegetarians. So rabbit hutch cleanings are OK but dog poo isn't.


Presumably the same applies to human waste, so vegetarian motorhomers should be able to empty MH toilet cassettes at household recycling centres too.

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Good engineering supplies companies and some builders merchants stock "Lifters" for heavy duty manhole covers. They are at a reasonable length to be able to lift the covers without injuring your back. Don't try to lift one on your own though, you might end up regretting it, ask a mate to help you.
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rolandrat - 2015-07-16 2:55 PM


If you locate your nearest Waste Water Treatment Works they will accept your cassette waste especially American RV's that have an external side dump.


Really? I'm curious, which utility company in the UK offers this service. Will they really let members of the public drive on to their sites? In our area all such sites are secure sites with very strict health and safety rules (hard hat, steel toe cap boots, high vis, protective eyewear and protective gloves.)

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michaelmorris - 2015-07-16 4:48 PM


rolandrat - 2015-07-16 2:55 PM


If you locate your nearest Waste Water Treatment Works they will accept your cassette waste especially American RV's that have an external side dump.


Really? I'm curious, which utility company in the UK offers this service. Will they really let members of the public drive on to their sites? In our area all such sites are secure sites with very strict health and safety rules (hard hat, steel toe cap boots, high vis, protective eyewear and protective gloves.)


I'm surprised your curious. Yes they are secure sites operated by human beings that yes do observe strict health and safety rules but they are very co operative and helpful as well. I can only speak for United Utilities in my area. Most of the sites have strict security but they have call systems on the gates where you can speak to a plant operator who will then let you in under supervision. I am an ex employee now retired and very familiar with Waste Water Treatment Plants.

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This thread gets more bizarre by the day. Are you serious Roland about taking your cassette to the local water treatment plant and asking them to empty it. As for going down you local hardware store and buying special levers to open a domestic manhole cover, why would you. As I said previously a couple of screwdrivers, job done, you really would have to be pretty pathetic not to manage this on your own they cannot weigh more than a couple of kilo's.
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Rupert we are on totally different wave lengths here. I was highlighting the point that American RV's have a different waste disposal system to a normal cassette and requires a low level drain to be able to discharge. I was not saying that you can take a cassette to the local treatment works although no doubt the guys might be very obliging and let you dump it there. As regards the weight of the manhole covers I totally agree with you about the domestic covers, they are very light but there are ones that are heavy duty and you need special lifters. Don't attempt to lecture me on this website, we are here to help one another, we may have differences of opinions through our various experiences and that is what life is all about. It's called RESPECT. By the way I have owned an American RV so I am fully aware of their operation. No wonder some people shy away from posting on this website.
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rolandrat - 2015-07-17 8:07 AM


Rupert we are on totally different wave lengths here. I was highlighting the point that American RV's have a different waste disposal system to a normal cassette and requires a low level drain to be able to discharge. I was not saying that you can take a cassette to the local treatment works although no doubt the guys might be very obliging and let you dump it there. As regards the weight of the manhole covers I totally agree with you about the domestic covers, they are very light but there are ones that are heavy duty and you need special lifters. Don't attempt to lecture me on this website, we are here to help one another, we may have differences of opinions through our various experiences and that is what life is all about. It's called RESPECT. By the way I have owned an American RV so I am fully aware of their operation. No wonder some people shy away from posting on this website.

Not lecturing you just commenting on your post. You did state very clearly you can take your cassette to the local water treatment part. We are talking about domestic covers are we not so why bring anything else into this, as I said bizarre.

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rupert123 - 2015-07-16 8:46 PM


This thread gets more bizarre by the day. Are you serious Roland about taking your cassette to the local water treatment plant and asking them to empty it. As for going down you local hardware store and buying special levers to open a domestic manhole cover, why would you. As I said previously a couple of screwdrivers, job done, you really would have to be pretty pathetic not to manage this on your own they cannot weigh more than a couple of kilo's.


I saw a workman lifting amanhole cover recently using a wheeled gantry device, which was rolled over the cover so that grab devices could be engaged, presumably mating with shaped recesses in the cover, then a wind up mechanism used to raise the cover until it engaged with stops on the gantry, presumably to stabilise it, when the hwole thing would then be wheeled away, exposing the manhole. It did strike me as a sledgehammer to crack a nut but I suppose for heavier manhole covers, that's what H&S requires these days.


But domestic manhole covers are not usually in that category and mine are (or rather were, we've moved home) were simply 20 inch circular concrete slabs which had a recess in the centre across which there was an iron bar, which cold be grabbed by hand or, as I did, with a hook of the type sold to lift tent pegs. The cover was not heavy and it was a simple, one handed task to remove it. This revealed a plastic moulding, recessed to take the lid, with the drains flowing across the bottom, about two feet down. No credible risk of accumulated hazardous vapours, no risk to emptying the toilet cassette into the manhole, except for losing the yellow cap if you were careless about where you parked it.


At our new home the manhole covers are cast iron, rectangular and bigger - and I have yet to explore their potential. They are also on the drive in public view, which is a pity. Our neighbours and even passers-by will be able to witness the process and dtetect when our bowel health has turned for the worse. These are therefore potentially worrying times but I hope to manage the challenge without having to go for counselling.

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manxli - 2015-07-14 9:37 PM




The reason for the question is that I need to carry the cassette through the front door and along the entrance lobby to the WC. Even with care, there can be splashes, which I then need to clean up.


The access cover is directly beside the gravel area where I park the MH. I was wondering about fitting some sort of funnel maybe, rather than lifting the cover. Luckily, the garden hose point is also nearby for flushing.




Hi Alan..

Could you look at getting a local fabricator to knock you up a replacement manhole cover, which incorporated a small hinged/sliding hatch ?..

or maybe source a "plastic" replacement cover? (just making it easier to lift). .


The above may have already been suggested of cause.......

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