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Headlight Adjustment

Len Salisbury

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But, I assume this van must have had several MoT tests, during which headlight alignments will have been checked. If they were correct when last MoT'd, what might have changed in the meantime to throw them out? If nothing, and the lights are adjusted based on their visible alignment on a garage door, these seems a risk of failing the next MoT. Why not get them checked instead at your local MoT centre, to eliminate that risk? However, if a bulb has been replaced, it seems more likely the bulb is misaligned than that the whole headlamp is out.
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Brian Kirby - 2015-07-20 12:05 PM


Why not get them checked instead at your local MoT centre, to eliminate that risk?


This seems the most sensible option to me. Takes minutes to do and they probably won't even charge if you are a regular customer.

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How about this then. My Boxer passed the MOT last month but the tester did not notice that the continental deflectors were still attached to the headlights and still are and I have just got back from Cz Republic and I am now going to Spain on Thursday so if I remember I shall take them off when I get back.
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Len Salisbury - 2015-07-20 4:38 PM


How about this then. My Boxer passed the MOT last month but the tester did not notice that the continental deflectors were still attached to the headlights and still are and I have just got back from Cz Republic and I am now going to Spain on Thursday so if I remember I shall take them off when I get back.


I wouldn't bother.


Mine have been on for the past 3 years now and it's passed every MOT. They will, and do notice, but are still able to test ok.

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The confusion over beam deflectors is due to when a LHD van is imported it has to have the correct headlamps for the UK and beam deflectors are unacceptable.


In an MOT as long as the dipped beam beam does not cause dazzle and is correctly aligned it passes the test.


All headlights are adjustable. Its finding the adjuster that's the problem.


Incidentally for the MOT as long as the headlamp is correct there is no requirement for the driver controlled levelers to be checked. These are to allow the driver to compensate for changes in trim depending on vehicle loading. In practice motorcaravans are always well loaded and changes in trim negligible. As a result once alignment is correct fiddling about with the levelers is unnecessary and it does not matter if they do not work.


Issues have once again arisen with older vehicles when spares levelers are out of stock and even if they are they are very expensive. Getting the light aligned before the MOT resolves the problem



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In my case, not on the motorhome but on the Nissan car, I was coming home one night last winter and found that the offside headlight was facing almost down into the grave, and the dashboard adjustment made very little effect.


being unable to find the fault, I had a bill from nissan to replace the headlight, almost enought to buy a complete car.


I demanded that they save the old light and return it to me for investigation.


I have since found that the problem was a tiny piece of grit in the gear mechanism of the tiny motor which tilts the reflector, a bout a half hour job once the lamp was out of the car.


I now have a spare offside working headlamp , sadly it doesnt fit the motorhome, but if anyone wants it for a Nissan Micra, just contact me..


I just wonder if the motorhome headlight has a similar mechanism, and is it causing your fault?





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