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We desperately need help!!!! We have recently bought a secondhand motorhome equipped with a 65cm Teleco Voyager Satellite dish (roof mounted through wardrobe) and a Teleco 5012 Analogue receiver. We have spent hours trying to get some sort of signal from this equipment to no avail. When we put power to the receiver we are able to get the menu on the TV screen in English (we live in France by the way) but cannot seem to find any signals for programs. We have printed off the instruction book in English, not much help. Has anybody any knowledge of these receivers? We are coming to the UK in November for 3 weeks and are hoping to have a least something to watch. We also have a spare Sky Digibox which apparently you can link up through the analogue receiver and we were hoping to use this when in the UK. I have spoken to Teleco in England and they tell me that the dish we have got will run a Sky Digibox.
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I am not very familier with Teleco so the following may not be 100%. You have a analogue receiver, german stations the main choise as most others are now digital, this means you need to locate astra 1, most analogue recievers require you to manualy enter chanel details, 11.262ghz with vertical polarity will give you Eurosports which has a english output on one of its sound channels.
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Many thanks Colin, On the configuration screen there are two blank spaces labelled LNB1 Mhz and LNB2 Mhz and as far as I can work out LNB1 goes up to 7 and LNB2 goes from 8 upwards. There is also a RF a RF UHF output where you can insert a number, what that may be I don't know. Anyway once again thank you for replying.
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I'm not very technical on this subject but When I bought my m/h 3 years ago it was an import from Holland & it had an analoque box.I could only get German programs with it whatever I tried.I bought a second hand sky diji box & a card from sky which cost £23.50 for which I get quite a variety of programs.I would have to pay for some of the films if I wanted them.It was set up by a local chap on my home dish & as long as I dont take the card out of the box I take the box in the M/H when I go away.I think there is still a card available at about £20 from sky but it has to be set up via a telephone line in the house. >:-)
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Hi Randonneur, the RF UHF output is where you would connect a coaxial lead to your telly and the slot where you can insert a number will be so that you can set the channel number that it will output on. Best to use a Scart cable if possible to connect to your telly though. You might need to change the LNB for digital reception as most of the digital transmissions are on different frequencies to the older analogue stuff. D.
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Hi Colin, According to the instruction book you can connect a digibox by using the scart lead from the anologue unit to the VCR scart socket on the digibox and then a scart lead from the other scart socket to the TV. The anologue box must then be put on standby. We tried this on Sunday and it worked only thing was we couldn't get a signal. I am beginning to think that the motorhome is parked in the wrong place, we will have to move it to somewhere else to try it out. If we can get a signal then we will take the anologue box out altogether. We use the spare digibox in the kitchen because my other half always has football on the digibox in the lounge - hence 2 boxes. It may be that when we come to the UK in November we end up buying another cheap digibox. Sylvia
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Hi, I'm not trying to be funny, but you do realise that the dish must be pointing at the appropriate satellite in bearing and elevation in order to get a signal. The compass bearing would be around 150 deg and the elevation around 30 deg. The mount for the dish should be straight up not leaning. At these angles you should get some sort of signal which you can then fine tune by very small adjustments, because of delays in the digibox you need to wait a few seconds after each adjustment to see what, if any, difference has occurred. Phil.
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[QUOTE]Randonneur - 2006-10-30 10:50 AM Hi Colin, According to the instruction book you can connect a digibox by using the scart lead from the anologue unit to the VCR scart socket on the digibox and then a scart lead from the other scart socket to the TV. The anologue box must then be put on standby. [/QUOTE] I believe you are misreading something, if you have a loopthru on the LNB then this should be connected to the digibox, as the digibox can only control the horizontal/vertical switching and 22hz tone throu the LNB input, I would suggest removing LNB cable from Teleco and connecting this to digibox, then align dish as per post above
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Hi Randonneur I can help you with this, I have one on my van and have recently gone through the process of setting it up for recieving astra 2 and connecting a sky box to the system. My email is lilo.stitch@virgin.net or contact me here if you wish. Stitch
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