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Have just bought an Autocruise Pace, when its on hook up/ charging the leisure battery buzzes. It is charging and on site we use the isolater swith to turn off charging. Is this buzzing usual for this model?
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I would think it unusual. I would also think it is likely to be from the charger, possibly from a transformer in the charger, as these can vibrate. However, if that is the problem, it should not be doing it, so it should be investigated. It may help someone with knowledge of the van if you say what year.
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If it continues and you are capable ... and most important if its willing ... remove it and mount it on a moveable base ... the poor thing is doing its best to increase its sound output with the base its fixed to as an amplifier ... if it is fixed in such a way that it can be moved.



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Its a 2009 Pace. We did mention the buzzing when we took the van back to the dealers with a few problems....tried to be clever etc etc( can you tell not impressed with dealers attitude) but we have classic cars that have to go on charge and a buzzing means a problem . If any one has any ideas my Hubby should be able to take a look and hopefully sort.Our instinct is that this is not normal despite what the dealer said!
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Flavia - 2015-07-22 8:44 AM


Have just bought an Autocruise Pace, when its on hook up/ charging the leisure battery buzzes. It is charging and on site we use the isolater swith to turn off charging. Is this buzzing usual for this model?


I've never heard of this before, but I've only been Motorhoming for 50 years!


Try a different battery and if that buzzes too there is obviously a problem with the system and if it doesn't that suggests a problem with the battery and on a 6 year old van it may well be due for a new leisure battery anyway as so many are when they are sold!


Dealers tend to put then on charge just before you arrive to collect to 'prove' that the battery is charged but this proves nothing as you might well discover if you leave the battery to stand off charge for a few days or camp off mains for a day or two!


Do you have a digital voltmeter to check the battery voltage? Check it when fully charged and expect to see around 12.8 volts and again after a few days and expect to see around 12.6 volts for a decent battery.


Something like this - widely available either online or locally -



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The buzzing suggests that the transformer is not ridgedly secured or the laminations are not tight. Having a quick look Sargent supplied chargers fitted to Autocruise. I have contacted their technical support in the past and they are very good so worth a call.




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It is probably the metal laminated core in the charger's transformer, it is possible, but not guaranteed to remedy, by soaking the whole thing in thin varnish and then allowing to thoroughly dry, or drip superglue over the metal parts. Both of these fixes would require some dismantling and an awareness of electrical safety.

I tried this method with some success with one of my vans, the problem returned after a few months and I ended up buying a new charger,

Given that you have just purchased the van I think it should be the dealers responsibility to remedy.


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Probably the charger but you might hear it at the battery too. Thinking about it the battery would act like a capacitor and smooth out the dc also. The capatitors are worth checking anyway they get a rough life inside chargers and power supplies and are prone to failiure after a few years.
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Rule 1 Always do the simple things first.

Can you put your hand on the charger and can you feel vibration? Are the securing screws tight,if so loosen them a turn,if not tighten them. Can you access the fan or the vents where it draws air? After a number of years it mat well be sitting in a pile of dust etc ,just like computer vents and fans.Get a vac or a air pump on it. WD40 might also be your friend. Try all these things before going down any expensive routes.


Sound travels,I cannot image how a battery could buzz,its only plates in liquid so there is nothing to move.

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An update,

Contacted a very nice man at Amperor who suggested a few things, one being test the output, result being output14.46, well over what it should be.So back to the dealers with this info and a new charger is on its way.But why does it have to be a battle. We mentioned the buzz a couple of days after picking up the van to be told ' they all buzz'. Also issues with fresh water outlet tap leaking , so much we were having to top the tank up every other day, to be told ' We tried to fix but they dont make those taps anymore' , hmmmm one now on its way from Swift.A gas ring had to be fixed....they have done that but now have a feeling probably not properly.The van has been back to the dealers once already and we have only had it 2 months.Surely if you are spending over £ 30,000 then its fair to expect to at least be able to use it. Aaaagh rant over.

But thanks again to everyone for the advice.

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Glad it is (slowly) getting fixed. Sometimes with dealers its like wading through treacle to get them to adhere to their contract. Price has little to do with it,the jobbing builder down the road can give excellent service whereas as I know a £70000 purchase at the main Mercedes dealer doesn't guarantee service.

Some people still stick to good service some wouldn't if you put 50000 volts through them, to quote Monty Python

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