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Heki Roof Vent


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You could try a roll of draught excluder, the type you stick around door frames to keep the room warmer. I use this to stop rattles from drawers, cupboard doors and anything else that rattles or squeeks when on the move. Don,t put it all the way around the skylight as this may affect ventilation, just where the two parts of the Heki are making contact if you can find it or just cut small strips stuck on here and there. Howard.
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Thanks Howardtcz - I have used the draught excluder before but it becomes detached when I open the Vent. I just wondered if there was a purpose built sael that could be fitted all the way round. There is a good website advertised in the CC magazine - www.sealsplusdirect.co.uk but it looks a bit o0f a minefileld, ther are so many seals shown. I will give them a ring on the phone and see what they can suggest.
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Perhaps it would be better to contact Heki direct as others may have reported this problem and they may have a ready made solution to hand. As a temporary stopgap, close the the roof down on a pair of small washing up sponges until you get it sorted. Howard.
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Are you sure that it is not the springs on the blind and fly screen rollers that are rattling. Try linking them together so that they are each half closed and thus put the springs under tension. This cured a rattle in one I once had. Regards.
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Although ours is quiet as a mouse, I'm staggered to see the words 'only to be use in a vehicle in which no persons will be travelling' writ large all over the instructions that came with it. Presumably it's something to do with safety (bursting in a roll-over, jagged pieces if broken in crash?) but I cannot understand how motorhome manufacturers get away with installing, as standard factory-fit, an item which the equipment manufacturer expressly states is unsuitable for that purpose. No worries though - works fine and nobody sits up that end anywhere while we've travelling.
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There are four models of the Seitz Heki large skylight - Heki 1, 2, 3 and 4, though Heki 1 is now obsolete. The Heki 2 is made for caravans only, but is frequently fitted to motorhomes because it's about half the price of the models 3 and 4. Seitz make 2 spoilers for the Heki 2 - 810mm and 1110mm - to cover both mounting orientations. I've no idea whether these improve the noise, but the basic problem is that Heki 2 skylights are being used in a situation for which they were never designed. Retail prices inc VAT are approx £300 for Heki 2, £550 for Heki 3 and £700 for Heki 4, so you can see why they 'cheap skate'. If you search the forum archives, you will find extensive coverage of this from Derek Uzzell, with full chapter and verse.
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