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Wildcamping in France


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Watching stages of the Tour de France and i couldn't help but grin at how the Frenchies go about 'wilding'. Cars, vans, Campers, Motorhomes just park up anywhere there is a space. Even some stuck tents on the road!! No messing about. No Parking Prohibited signs for them! I think if there was they'd just rip them down anyway!


The only sad part...seeing Chris Froome spat at by some spectators. French really do hate us. Even more now Froome will be the only Brit to have won the Tour de France twice.

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Yes, a roadside seat at the Tour de France is one of many things on our to-do list.

As for hating us, personally I’ve only ever found the French to be friendly and helpful and I don’t speak French. Maybe I’ve just been fortunate. But spitting at Chris Froome, or anyone else for that matter is reprehensible but there’s good and bad in all societies.

Cattwg :-D

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Bulletguy - 2015-07-26 4:11 PM


I think if there was they'd just rip them down anyway!


Yes..all very admirable..


The "Frenchies" aren't shy when it comes to blockading ports with burning tyres (or setting fire to lorry loads of British sheep) either....


"Vive la liberte' "...eh? :-S

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pepe63 - 2015-07-26 5:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2015-07-26 4:11 PM


I think if there was they'd just rip them down anyway!


Yes..all very admirable..


The "Frenchies" aren't shy when it comes to blockading ports with burning tyres (or setting fire to lorry loads of British sheep) either....


"Vive la liberte' "...eh? :-S


Their "rule book" is different to ours. They just chuck theirs in the bin whilst Brits love telling folk they can't do this 'n that "because it says so". *-)


Yes it's a shame the media have used the port blockade as an excuse to jump on the migrant issue whilst completely failing to report the fight for jobs by MyFerryLink workers. I doubt MFL's CEO is with them on the front line. Probably too busy totting up his bank account figures!!




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Guest Joe90
Obviously seen by you first hand on your French travels in your motorhome , or am I mixing you up with the bloke who's never been there in his motorhome.
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Guest Joe90
pepe63 - 2015-07-26 5:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2015-07-26 4:11 PM


I think if there was they'd just rip them down anyway!


Yes..all very admirable..


The "Frenchies" aren't shy when it comes to blockading ports with burning tyres (or setting fire to lorry loads of British sheep) either....


"Vive la liberte' "...eh? :-S


Obviously seen by you first hand on your numerous French travels in your motorhome , or am I mixing you up with the bloke who's never been there in his motorhome.

And yet the moment France or the French crop up on here there you go, talking about something you have, nor are likely to have first hand knowledge of, I mean, what on earth is the point.

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Bulletguy - 2015-07-26 4:11 PM


Watching stages of the Tour de France and i couldn't help but grin at how the Frenchies go about 'wilding'. Cars, vans, Campers, Motorhomes just park up anywhere there is a space. Even some stuck tents on the road!! No messing about. No Parking Prohibited signs for them! I think if there was they'd just rip them down anyway!


The only sad part...seeing Chris Froome spat at by some spectators. French really do hate us. Even more now Froome will be the only Brit to have won the Tour de France twice.


Not sure if it was a French man that did that could have been a cretin from any country !.


In France if it does not say "No Parking or Camping" it means that you can, shame we don't have that over in the UK. Camping Cars are made very welcome in most if not all of the many places in France we have been over the years starting way back in 1978. B-)

Well done Chris Froome plus the rest of the team. GB rules the cycling world again..LOL

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Zydeco Joe - 2015-07-26 5:54 PM


Not sure if it was a French man that did that could have been a cretin from any country !.


In France if it does not say "No Parking or Camping" it means that you can, shame we don't have that over in the UK. Camping Cars are made very welcome in most if not all of the many places in France we have been over the years starting way back in 1978. B-)

Well done Chris Froome plus the rest of the team. GB rules the cycling world again..LOL


Could be but whatever, it's despicable to see such filth. I experienced it a few years ago from a French plated trucker. Saw him look in the door mirror as i was beginning to overtake, then his window went down and SPLAT....a huge gob of phlegm on my windscreen. Charming!


Yes i've used many Aires, some better than others though often find town centre ones pretty good. The excuse here of course is the well worn one of 'we don't have the space', yet what do we do where there is space? Slap up prohibition notices!



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Bulletguy - 2015-07-26 6:25 PM


Zydeco Joe - 2015-07-26 5:54 PM


Not sure if it was a French man that did that could have been a cretin from any country !.


In France if it does not say "No Parking or Camping" it means that you can, shame we don't have that over in the UK. Camping Cars are made very welcome in most if not all of the many places in France we have been over the years starting way back in 1978. B-)

Well done Chris Froome plus the rest of the team. GB rules the cycling world again..LOL


Could be but whatever, it's despicable to see such filth. I experienced it a few years ago from a French plated trucker. Saw him look in the door mirror as i was beginning to overtake, then his window went down and SPLAT....a huge gob of phlegm on my windscreen. Charming!


Yes i've used many Aires, some better than others though often find town centre ones pretty good. The excuse here of course is the well worn one of 'we don't have the space', yet what do we do where there is space? Slap up prohibition notices!


Agree not nice or charming.

Also agree with if we have space the council will put up a height barrier or ban overnight parking and then complain that town centres are dying. >:-(

Me I spend 20 weeks in Europe a year and only a few weeks camping in the UK as its far cheaper in Europe.

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Bulletguy - 2015-07-26 4:11 PM


Watching stages of the Tour de France and i couldn't help but grin at how the Frenchies go about 'wilding'. Cars, vans, Campers, Motorhomes just park up anywhere there is a space. Even some stuck tents on the road!! No messing about. No Parking Prohibited signs for them! I think if there was they'd just rip them down anyway!


The only sad part...seeing Chris Froome spat at by some spectators. French really do hate us. Even more now Froome will be the only Brit to have won the Tour de France twice.


Firstly, wild camping it ain't, been there for Wiggo's win 2012 and literally got the tee shirt. The authorities allow roadside parking for the passage of "le Tour" by concession only, otherwise you would be moved.


Whats the problem with the Frogs hating us, don't we hate them??? I once (years ago) after being baited by a Froggy about been beaten regularly at Rugby by the Frogs ,had to remind him that we had beaten them at Crecy, Agincourt, Waterloo and Trafalgar. After a long pause he came back with " yes but we shot Nelson" to which I replied along the lines of " well that was a typical dirty French trick"


Don't forget the Frogs still hate us for abandoning them in 1940, leaving them to the tender mercies of the Krauts.

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