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Truma dump valve


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The old style Truma water dump valve, discharged when the temperature got low,but you could fix it shut with a clothes peg or other device. I have now got a new style dump valve which cannot be fixed shut with a clothes peg, so it will dump my water at about 2-3 degrees C. Does anybody know of a way I can fix this so it does not dump water, as we tend to travel across Europe in the winter?
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This recent forum thread relates to Truma’s current “Frostcontrol” safety/drain valve




Anticipating that refilling my Rapido’s water-system after the winter drain-down could be complicated by the Frostcontrol valve, and not liking the idea that it could open spontaneously (and being a total control-freak!) I have attempted to provide a means to hold the valve closed ‘mechanically’ as was possible with the old-style electrically-operated valve.


Closing a Frostcontrol valve involves two separate operations as I described in the above thread. I’ve made a metal clip that holds the blue ‘switch’ on the top of the valve in the crossways position, and a sort of sliding, swinging levery thing that can be moved against the blue button and locked to hold the button in its depressed position. In principle this should allow the valve to be closed (and stay closed) irrespective of the temperature near the valve, but, short of closing the valve and spraying it with plumbing freezer (which I’m not going to do!) I’ll have to wait for cold weather to confirm that my DIY methodology actually works.


(As mentioned in the debate Robinhood provided a link to, a heater can be added to the valve to faciltate water-system filling in cold weather and, presumably, as long as the valve-heater is operating the valve won’t open.)

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