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3T max sign - does it mean plated or actual weight?


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Ballaugh Beach IOM - Just used a great little beachside parking area on the Isle of Man with great sea views and no trace of any camping restrictions. Just the access road has a "3T max" sign.


My Flash 02 has a Max weight limit of 3.5T but with "everything but the kitchen sink" loaded for a typical trip, it is 2.9T on the weighbridge and I have a certificate to prove it. Am I still breaking the law? What does the 3T sign mean?


Any help appreciated.



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Maximum Gross Weight on your plate i.e. 3.5 tons like Billggski says. So you shouldn't be going down roads with the 3T sign unless it says something like 'Except for access'. A 3T max sign is sometimes used to ban vans but not cars.


The weighbridge certificate is worthless except at the time it was issued and to provide you with valuable information about your van's loading.



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Hi all


As I suspected, I'm over the limit at MGW 3.5T , but there is an "except for access" sign and I'm accessing the beach I suppose. It's a dead end, so I don't see the point other than to ban HGVs.


We stayed for an hour or two, within view of beachside properties and no one objected. Even chatted to a few other visitors.


The Isle of Man comes over as 'motorhome unfriendly' in the press, but we've found that no one bothers us, if we act respectfully and cause no obstructions. Even parked in a disabled bay in Douglas town (with our blue badge of course) and the parking warden didn't even give us a glance.



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