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Imminent import

Neil S

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Hi all - here's a first post for you.


I owned a small Rapido for years and loved it, but sold it last year as times changed (back to work) and we couldn't get the time to use it. I saw the light, threw off the shackles and went to see Rapido's PVCs, but was horrified by the prices. Cutting a long story short I ended up going to Germany and bought a RHD Possl which is due in September.


Doing a bit more research on the internet to confirm what I'd already learned brought me to the various forums, of which I was previously oblivious, where the topic seems to raise a few temperatures. It would appear that "to import or not to import" very much depends on how flexible your comfort zone is. Personally, I'm happy with the decision and delighted with the service I've had so far from the dealer (with whom I think Judge Mental will be familiar). I'm aware of the potential warranty pitfalls, but not overly worried about them. Going to Germany twice is just a bonus in my book.


I think I'm sorted with most aspects of the procedure, but insurance seems to be a "movable feast". The dealer will provide me with temporary plates and 3rd party insurance to get me to the ferry (happy with that), but will those plates cover me from the UK port to home? That would be ideal as I could drive it home, import and register the vehicle and then insure it on UK plates. I seem to have read both "Yes" and "No" opinions in answer to this question. I originally thought that I would have to insure the second leg of the journey with a UK insurer using the VIN number - but this seems to horrify some them. If the temporary registration doesn't cover it, any suggestions for UK insurers or brokers who can do this without hassle would be appreciated.



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Yes but it is only 3rd party road traffic act, as it can take up to a month or longer to get the van registered you would have no theft cover while on your drive, a few companies will give you full comp against the VIN number once it is on UK soil, Scenic, Safeguard, NFU are the ones I know about.


There is a Dutch company that will give full comp European cover on a VIN about £500 for a month.



Some German dealers can arrange fully comp.

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That's useful to know, Ian. My old insurers were (whisper it) Saga, and I think they'll do it but there was a sharp intake of breath when I spoke to them originally. It seems that it depends who you speak to and how much knowledge they have.



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whisturx - 2015-08-13 9:09 AM


Comfort Insurance will cover you as well on a VIN number from the ferry to home.

No they wont, they will only cover on a VIN if you are dealer and then only once the van is on your premises.


Saga will cover you providing the wheels don't touch the road (their word) i.e. need to transport it home.

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Imported earlier this year. Comfort will not insure the journey from the port, but as has already been said the German plates give you 3rd party cover in all EU countries.


Comfort will provide comprehensive cover for you import while it sits on your drive, but it will not be valid for the road until you have a reg number from DVLA.

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Yes. Comfort will let you insure it on the VIN number but the insurance won't actually cover you for driving it on the road until you have your V5 from DVLA, with the reg number, if that makes sense.


I hope you're luckier that me. Paperwork was submitted to DVLA, bearing in mind this was a new van, and two weeks later I got a rejection saying it needed to be registered as a used van. It's not possible to get any sense from DVLA over the phone and there was no explanation for why it had been rejected. I combed through the paperwork could find nothing wrong, so I resubmitted, together with a letter of complaint to the chief exec. One week later the V5 for a new vehicle arrived, which no apology or explanation.


3 days later another V5 for the same vehicle arrived, saying they had made a mistake on the first V5 (they had got the VIN number wrong)!!!! From vehicle arriving in the country to registration took six plus weeks.

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Comfort wouldn't insure my van until registered I used NFU & once registered went back to Comfort. DVL have been a nightmare, been waiting over 3 moths just to get my weight upgrade right.


Things seem to have improved in the last month, they now have an easy to access phone number and they actually get into their system and give you answers, I phoned them on Monday and they said they would processes mine and post it same day , still waiting. My mate with the same problem phoned them last Thursday got his V5 back yesterday, so looks promising.

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That sounds and improvement from DVLA. 6 weeks ago both their email system and telephone could not, and they said they were not allowed to, tell me anything about my specific application, the reasons for its rejection or what I needed to do to correct it. All they kept saying was resubmit, resubmit, resubmit.


As it happens there was no answer to my questions. The guy had just made a mistake!

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The firm to talk to for f/c insurance on your import is http://www.limestreetbrokers.com/ They will sell you an insurance that will sit with the German third party only cover, to bring the whole package up to approximately full comp level. It will be on the German reg No and will no longer be valid once the vehicle is UK registered, so you only need the cover for a short period, I'd suggest a couple of months to be safe. Once UK registered, any of the usual UK suspects can insure it. Talk to them, and they will explain all. I haven't used it but did spend some time talking to them about it and they are both knowledgeable and helpful.
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