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Tax your vehicle by direct debit


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As I am frequently out of the country I thought it would be a good idea to set up a direct debit to tax my van in case I miss the reminder letter but...........I cant find where to do it on the government web site.

Well I can find out where but clicking the link provided takes me to the renew road tax online.


Has anyone successfully set this up if so please help.





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I did it last month for my Autosleeper Symbol. If the vehicle is already taxed you will have to wait until your renewal notice as someone has already stated but if it isn't taxed at present you use the eleven digit reference number on the reg. document. It's good if you only want a couple of months as it works out more expensive over a year and if you sell the 'van as I did the direct debit is cancelled automatically. Hope that helps.
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Last time the tax was due, I set up a monthly DD, (about £20 a month). It's better than paying off a large lump annually, and as someone pointed out, if I sell the van, I just cancel the monthly payment. It costs £20 a year extra, but I think it's worth it.
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RogerC - 2015-08-19 9:51 PM
yeti - 2015-08-19 6:05 PMThat is great if your vehicle is less than 3 years old!

Just had renewal notices through for 2004 and 2010 vehicles...both had DD facility info on reminder forms so what's the 3yr old got to do with it?
[/quoteSo you can only do this payment method if you are in the UK you are stuffed if touring overseas.
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