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ACSI information


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Hi, I believe that you can do it on line thru their website, once registered they will automaticaly contact you every year to renew it, but why bother you don't need it, you have a passport, but don't leave it with the reception, they can take a copy but have no legal right to keep it, only the customs can do that.
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lynneroy - 2015-08-27 12:21 PM


Thanks for that, I was trying to avoid handing over my passport, but I will do as you suggest.


Lynne ;-)



In all the years I've been touring I've only been asked to hand over my passport once ( in Croatia )- when I refused they just took a copy and gave it back.


You could always just take a couple of copy passports with you and hand those over ( if anyone asks )..




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Dont get confused between the ACSI camping discount card and the ASCI ID card they are different cards


Quote ASCI site....


What are the most important differences between the ACSI Club ID and CampingCard ACSI?


ACSI Club ID is a Camping Carnet. It is an alternative identity document, accepted at 8600 camp sites. Members are automatically insured for liability. ACSI Club ID is not a discount card.


CampingCard ACSI is a discount card with which you can camp at 2940 camp sites at advantageous rates in the low season. CampingCard ACSI is not an alternative identity document and you will not be automatically insured for liability.





Brian K

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Just another point ,if you arrive in Spain without the ASCI for what ever reason you will find most of the dealerships with a decent accessory shop on the coastas now have them for sale,they may not be English but the card is still good to go and the books are exactly the same format so not to difficult to get by with ...Im currently running with Dutch books. I also heard some campsite sell them .


Brian K


PS never leave your passport get them to make photo copy there and then --never had a problem with that request.

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You will often be asked to leave your ACSI Discount behind the reception as a guarantee that you won't do a flit without paying.




When they give you it back at the end of your stay ensure they give you the correct one back.


Whilst in Spain this year one site gave mine to someone else with the same name as me. I was lucky that he had booked out early and was still on the site .He had just took my card from the reception and put it in his wallet without checking. We would both have been snookered if one of us had left the site with the others card.


On the subject of the ACSI ID Carnet. Most sites ask for your partners Passport as the card is only in one name so it I a bit of a waste of time but it does give you insurance whilst on site. (Does not include damage to vehicles or damage done by vehicles)

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