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Aires Petition for GB


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derek500 - 2015-09-03 9:29 AM


Won't sign. Too draconian.


France is motorhome heaven, but councils aren't 'compelled' to provide motorhome parking.


I would sign a petition that fined people for calling a single aire 'an aires'!!


Agree. And would add this: In the face of public service cuts, where front line services are being affected, providing aires will not be a priority for many people. For most people I daresay. Aire or keeping, as an example, a day care centre open?

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Guest Peter James
British politics is such that planning decisions are handed to local authorities, - a nimbys charter than ensures nothing gets built unless it benefits locals. Unless its for the Government, then they force or bribe it through. Things like aires or new houses than benefit people who want to go there don't get through, because those currently living outside the electoral boundaries have no vote on the matter.
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Peter James - 2015-09-03 11:06 AM


British politics is such that planning decisions are handed to local authorities, - a nimbys charter than ensures nothing gets built unless it benefits locals. Unless its for the Government, then they force or bribe it through. Things like aires or new houses than benefit people who want to go there don't get through, because those currently living outside the electoral boundaries have no vote on the matter.


As someone who did successfully get their local authority to establish an aire in the town (after three years of discussions and the involvement of councillors, M.P.'s and, most importantly, members of this and other forums) I generally support the idea of UK Aires but have to disagree that it is local councils who stand in the way of them being established.


It is in fact quite possible to state the case for Aires and my experience was that there are some very real issues to face such as how to write the Traffic Parking Orders that usually govern any council run parking area in such a way as to reassure the council and local residents that the area will not suffer abuse either by motorhomer said who do not observe the rules or respect the area or other groups of people who should not be occupying the space.


Sadly, once all that had been achieved and the aire established, the council too the decision to end the scheme after two years due to the lack of use. Arguably, there were things the council could have done to try to improve usage such as signposting the route on all approach roads to the town but the real cause of its demise was purely lack of use by motorhomers.



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Hi , I wonder how many Aire fans responding to this, do so in the hopes of having Free overnight stops with facilities as opposed to just a place to park up for shopping .


I have personally used the carparks of local garden centre , and had a meal in their restaurant on the way home, .

another example again at a local garden centre when shopping for a replacement gas refil in their associated Camping shop.


The central Carpark at Ringwood has a weight restriction of 3500 kg, and a hourly charge via the meter, but I i beleive that parking charges only apply during certain hours of day..certain overnight hours are not charged ..daytime parking is restricted duration 2 hours I beleive.

there are convenient toilets nearby, no charges,, but No Overnight Camping , and no obvious fresh water fill or emptying point.


There are several supermarkets around where there is usually parking space restricted duration for shoppers so I wonder why concentrate on a plea for Aires..would it not be a better idea to get supermarkets garden centres etc to cooperate and perhaps have 2 or 3 dedicated motorhome slots, perhaps with overnight permission on payment of a small fee.


I can well remember the aggravation that my father had all those years ago to start his caravan site at Charmouth..WE DONT WANT THAT SORT OF PEOPLE HERE, SPOILING OUR VIEW, , yet now there are 4 or 5 sites in or close to the village, and the local traders welcome the summer visitors..


Aires , yes please, but what about CL, and CS , they already exist, why not support them or is it once again the thought of PAYING .not FREE, that makes the difference.




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It's risen to 1467 now, a long way to go but let's keep trying.


I have read some of the 'Motorhomeparking' website document and gave up when there was a statement about the need to register an Aire as a campsite. If that's the case then all lorry parks, motorway services etc. would need the same planning consent and I guess they have not.

We are talking about the same rules as France and Germany, a vehicle simply parked and slept in, nothing placed outside on the ground! Is that not what the motorway signs advocate 'Tiredness Kills, take a break'. If a lorry driver is out of hours that's just what he does, pulls into a convenient park, draws the curtains and sleeps just like we want to do.


Yes I know the French and Germans bend the rules, awnings out, picnic chairs and tables on the grass etc. I'm in France now and have seen it all.



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Aires not for us. We prefer to camp in a nice campsite with facilities in the countryside rather than park up in close order rows in a car park in the middle of a town. I have seen these aires in France and they all look awful to me. Can't really understand what the attraction is unless it is just cost. Each to their own I suppose.
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