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New batteries sitting at 12.9 v


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we have a new MH with a solar panel fitted.i replaced the 1 x 110 ah battery with 2 x 110 ah batteries.

When I picked the MH up the digital meter read 12.5 v.

I then connected the MH to the mains and left it for 3 days and it reached 14 v.

Disconnected it Saturday and this afternoon the meter reads 12.9 with no load and loads of sun.

Can't tell if the solar panel is charging, it's very basic.

Any ideas


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A simple basic test would be to load the battery overnight (say, hab lights on). This should discharge the leisure battery to a lower voltage. Then see if the voltage rises when the solar panel is active during the day.


The current reading of 12.9 volts would indicate a fully charged battery.


Perhaps others may be able to provide more definitive advice.

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According to the Roadpro/Tech tips website the following voltage/state of charge is advised:


12.7 volt - 100%

12.5 volt - 90%

12.42 volt - 80%

12.32 volt - 70%

12.2 volt - 60%

12.06 volt - 50%


This a rough guide and could depend on what type of battery you have installed. My AGM battery tends to show 12.9 volts when fully charged.

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It depends also on what your regulator allows  as the cut off charge, there will be a fuse [should be a fuse ]between the regulator and the battery connection, pull this fuse out and put a voltage tester  in the line and you will soon see if there is a charge.ie Solar panel working.
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Whilst 12.9v is a fully charged battery, in my experience, in full sun during day 13.5v + would normally be seen with a solar set up. It may be as above that your regulator is set to 12.9v, but I've never seen one set that low.

Can you test the input voltage to the regulator from the panel? It's normally possible to put a meter across the input terminals, it should be up around 18v in the conditions you have described.


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