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Mouse in MH


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We regularly see evidence of Mice under the bonnet when working on a Motorhome, usually on those stored in more remote areas like Fields or Farms. But not inside.


Sometimes the longer grass can give a Mouse a helping hand?

Keep the Grass short especially around the tyres if you can.


One owner now checks under the bonnet for infestation before driving the MH off the storage site and keeps a Mousetrap under the bonnet in the area where he had previously found a partially built nest.


If they get established they can make quite a mess of the wiring as they seem to like chewing the plastic insulation?


The other side of our business is restoring 1950's Citroen type H's. We have just done a lot of work on a 1956 van for the Wheeler Dealers TV show as they bought one of our rebuilt Engines and rebuilt Gearboxes. We also rebuilt and upgraded the Brakes and rewired it.

The rewire was not booked in, but when we removed the Dash to try and get the wipers working there was a Mouse nest in there.

The wiring had been stripped of it's ancient insulation, a Cotton wrapping soaked in some substance like Tar or something strange, which they clearly found very tasty.


The TV show goes out in a couple of days, 28th Sept on Discovery channel at 21:00.

Please be sympathetic if they show any footage of me!!


I was told to put my head inside a van and pretend was doing something useful. Mike Brewer would then walk into the workshop and call out. I was then to say hello.


First take and I shake his hand and say, "Hello Mike". To which he then said, "No Allan I have not introduced myself yet, so you don't know who I am". "Lets do that again".

After 56 takes, I think they left in the 'Hello Mike'??


The whole filming session was like that. Mike and I trying to Solder some LED bulbs into a 1956 Trafficator assembly was a disaster with everything going wrong.

Not seen it yet it, so don't know whether to hide on Monday night and switch off my phone so I avoid all the micky taking from my mates or 'Brave it out'.


See our Citroen H van website, which has had 50,000 visitors in the last 12 months, for photos of the van which we can only post after the show : http://www.citroenhyonline.co.uk/hy-history.php







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Guest pelmetman
aandncaravan - 2015-09-26 8:22 PM


We regularly see evidence of Mice under the bonnet when working on a Motorhome, usually on those stored in more remote areas like Fields or Farms. But not inside.


Sometimes the longer grass can give a Mouse a helping hand?

Keep the Grass short especially around the tyres if you can.


One owner now checks under the bonnet for infestation before driving the MH off the storage site and keeps a Mousetrap under the bonnet in the area where he had previously found a partially built nest.


If they get established they can make quite a mess of the wiring as they seem to like chewing the plastic insulation?


The other side of our business is restoring 1950's Citroen type H's. We have just done a lot of work on a 1956 van for the Wheeler Dealers TV show as they bought one of our rebuilt Engines and rebuilt Gearboxes. We also rebuilt and upgraded the Brakes and rewired it. The rewire was not booked in, but when we removed the Dash to try and get the wipers working there was a Mouse nest in there and the wiring had been stripped of it's ancient Cotton covering which they obviously found very tasty!!

The TV show goes out in a couple of days, 28th Sept on Discovery channel at 21:00.









"Sometimes the longer grass can give a Mouse a helping hand?

Keep the Grass short especially around the tyres if you can."


A bit optimistic in my view as our camper is garaged, yet we still took one to France ;-) ..........


I'll look out for you on Wheeler dealers as that is my TV porn of choice B-) ............



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I use plug in 'electronic scarers'. X 3. In our stored motorhome (which has an EHU). Battery powered ones are also available, although more expensive. 1st Rule. NO food of any kind left in MH, Use Scarers BEFORE you see signs of mice, as scarers will not get rid of mice who have already 'set up home', for them you must use traps. They DO work. And will make the little brightest move elsewhere, I have used mine for 6 years, NO mice.
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They must like "new" motorhomes as i once had one in mine ,i poisoned them in the end (didnt like doing that but they were to crafty for the traps) i filled the underbeds with tumble dryer sheets , cos they dont like the smell , and sprayed the tyres with jeyes fluid which apparentley should stop them coming in , i also filled any holes (around pipework etc) wirh fine wire wool to also stop them getting in , but not before they had chewed holes in upholstery and cushions also my free gift an autotrail brolly lol good luck pp:)
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We had one some time ago.....it could be heard chewing the wall insulation as we walked past the MH....it is parked on the drive over gravel.

3 new traps and it was caught in a few hours.

The traps are now permanent items....just in case!

Luckily it only chewed one wire for an external thermometer which was easily repaired....it could have been much worse.

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aandncaravan - 2015-09-26 8:22 PM


The other side of our business is restoring 1950's Citroen type H's. We have just done a lot of work on a 1956 van for the Wheeler Dealers TV show as they bought one of our rebuilt Engines and rebuilt Gearboxes.


The TV show goes out in a couple of days, 28th Sept on Discovery channel at 21:00.

Please be sympathetic if they show any footage of me!!


I was told to put my head inside a van and pretend was doing something useful. Mike Brewer would then walk into the workshop and call out. I was then to say hello.


First take and I shake his hand and say, "Hello Mike". To which he then said, "No Allan I have not introduced myself yet, so you don't know who I am". "Lets do that again".

After 56 takes, I think they left in the 'Hello Mike'??


The whole filming session was like that. Mike and I trying to Solder some LED bulbs into a 1956 Trafficator assembly was a disaster with everything going wrong.

Not seen it yet it, so don't know whether to hide on Monday night and switch off my phone so I avoid all the micky taking from my mates or 'Brave it out'.




Had a good laugh at this post!


I love Wheeler Dealers though don't have Discovery so will have to watch out for it on Quest. The format is repetitive but it works well and both Brewer and Edd China seem to click well. Some funny ones are when they do any small cars like a Mini or Frogeye and at 6ft 7" China can barely get in them!

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We store our MH on farm and also had mice for a while. First signs were the alarm going off from the movement detector picking hem up walking around. The were using the ventilation ducting to get around!



Managed to get rid of them over a 7 day period by setting traps and travelling to and from the farm to check them. Caught a total of 6 and not sure whether they were all in the van or the smell of the bait in the traps encouraged some to enter but eventually got them but not before they destroyed a silver screen cover and ground sheet.


Blitz it with traps and keep the van free of temptation. Might be a coincidence but we've also not seen any more since we started using covers on the tyres

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Get some traps and a jar of peanut butter , that will sort them out , I used to find droppings under the bonnet and on one occasion when having a full service on our Peugeot Autosleeper a dead mouse was found in the air cleaner filter, which we assumed had gone down the air cleaner intake under the top frame and could not get back out again . Luckily it had not got drawn into the engine.
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Our van store is located in open countryside. We had mice and birds taking residence under the bonnet. We were on the last row of vans before the trees and open fields. So we asked to be moved to a pitch in the middle of the site and have not had any problrms since. Prior to being moved a set two traps with peanut butter under the bonnet and two in the habitation area. Trapped one under the cooker and three under the bonnet. Over a six week period whilst checking initially evey week then fourtninghtly.


They seem to like eating the bonnet insulation and drinking screen wash so we were lucky they did not do too much damage before we exterminated them.


Someone suggested parking in water stops them getting in to the van. A little impractical me thinks.

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