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Lincoln Show Catering.


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We were at the show once again and were very disappointed with the standard of outside catering at one of the burger bars near the WW11 display area. The food preparation, displaying and serving (presentation) leaved much to be desired. If a food hygiene inspector had been summoned he would have done something about it. Most of the staff didn't have any catering overall's on and it was generally very dirty. One lady had ordered 2 fried eggs which were being fried on a manky hot plate full ,of black bits of waste food by a young girl. She asked the lady if she still wanted them knowing they were unfit for human consumption. The chips were something else, no comment.

On the Saturday evening we went to the Epic Centre 2 where I and many others were served very cloudy beer, needless to say it was returned and being told that they were changing the barrel. It only improved slightly. In the show guide it stated that only drinks purchased from the bar may be consumed in the premises, well if that's the case then the drinks should be fit for purpose. Come on Warners " GET A GRIP". You want us to attend so look after us and raise your outside catering standards.

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Must admit that we noticed several examples of outside caterers falling short of what we call acceptable food hygiene standard although on reflection, no more than any other similar outlets up and down the country nor some restaurants.


I wouldn't expect Warners to become food and drink inspectors because the legislation and knowledge of food preparation etc required is in excess of that expected of a layman or a professional. It is often what you don't see that does for you!


The Nationwide Caterers Association provides guidelines for outside catering and event catering. 76% of people who contract food poisoning do so from eating out. I'd be surprised if Warners are not well aware of their responsibilities and take them seriously.





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Not only the outside caterers that need sorting. The 'carvery' in the Epic centre on Sunday was a disgrace. It has been the same for years now. One guy carving, one girl serving veg. We joined the queue at the entrance door at 12.30 and actually got served at 13.30 by which time they had run out of pork, beef and turkey. They were bringing out tiny chickens to carve which served about 3 people, leaving only pie as the only option. Surely any caterers of quality have historical information as to how many joints of meat they had in previous years and the carvery was supposed to be on until 14.30. Dozens of people turned away when they saw the queue so how much lost takings there were is anyones guess. Warners need to tell the caterers CGC to get their act together or give the franchise to someone else.
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I helped run a catering wagon at one time, we did the Garden Shows, the catering van we had was very well run and we were checked often by H n S , We did not do Motorhome shows because people at these shows generally are self catering and will only buy a few chips or similar and with the huge costs of being at shows they are not viable, consider the logistics involved, One must have freezer van, and catering wagon and something to tow it with, this involves Taco Graph due to weight and length, you need somewhere to store the vehicles when not working , you have to shop for your raw materials , pay staff and accommodate them whilst at the show, fuel costs ,gas and generator,and the huge cost of actually being on the showground, so not a good proposition to begin with, then if it rains and few turn up. OH Dear,
    Once raw food has been bought it must be sold to recoup these cost and I often wonder how old some of the Sausages and Burgers etc actually are when you buy from a wagon, particularly road side caterers, OK if kept frozen and stored correctly but who knows? 
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