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Burstner Solanot t727 2012


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Whilst on holidays in Galicia we were staying on a site situated by the sea. One night a storm developed and to my amazement the rear spoiler "approx 6foot wide" was ripped off, luckilly no one was hurt and the spoiler landed on soft ground not causing too much damage. This spoiler looks if it was held on with 3 screws and a small ammount of sillocone.

I will get it repaired when I return home.

Has anyone had a similar experience as I dread to think of the cosequences if it had come off on the road.


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Photo of spoiler attached.


I understand that a ‘Spoiler Pack’ was actually an option for this model, though (rather like a gas-oven) the rear spoiler might have been included in the standard specification for UK-marketed t727s.


Obviously the rear spoiler should not have detached in this instance, but it could explain why the fixings were minimalist and inadequate. There’s no doubt that use of a proper Sika or Henkel adhesive (and enoough of it) would have removed any realistic possibility of this happening.


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