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update on Aires at Biarritz and Hendaye Plage


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Thought some of you might like to know of changes now in place at these two Aires in the Pyrenees Atlantiques department of France. Both are now accessible by a barrier operated by a credit card. The charge at Biarritz is now 12€/24 hours whilst at Hendaye it is 10€ for the sane time period.

Biarritz Milady aire has been remarked out, spaces are now larger and more electric points added so no longer a scramble for same. There is also now a guardian on the aire, van next to entrance with awning etc, to approach if any difficulties with entry system. To be honest many did have problems but it was to do with them not the system! It is not rocket science simply follow on screen prompts and away you go! But aire will only allow in 33 vans so best to arrive before say 5.00pm as on 3 out of 5 nights we are were there was full by end of evening. Yes it is a bit of a car park aire but people were putting chairs etc out, some having barbaques etc. Beach is just a stroll through under pass, and in a lovely setting whilst bus stop to Biarritz is almost adjacent to aire. There is now a free bus into town, again New, or if you want to go further a field then a couple of euros gives you 24 hours on the service buses to say visit Bayonne, which we enjoyed doing again. So for us a great aire worth 9 out of 10.

What about Hendaye Place aire, where we are now, in by the way temperatures still in mid 20's at almost 8 pm. Well here aire used to be on road side but now is purpose built and set back from but still adjacent to road. So better in terms cars now not driving adjacent to you but spaces are not marked out in a sensible way, with some very short, others very sloping. No hook ups here but services included, as are at Biarritz.So not world's best but a free bus from outside aire takes you to seafront, shops ,restaurants etc or into Hendaye centre itself. From station just opposite can take train to Hendaye and then onto San Sebastian, which have done in past and will do again tomorrow. Stay here limited to 72 hours but can always go out and come back if need to. Biarritz is limited to 48 hours but allows pre-booking in 24 or48 hour segments. So Ok Hendaye not great set out aire but great transport links for us means will give it a good 7.

Final thought, it was said that Aires with charges at these levels would not be popular, well these two, and others we have been on, certainly are but we have noticed a few vans turn round on seeing the barriers, with looks of horror on faces!

Hope this info helps. Will post about other Aires visited as and when.

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Guest pelmetman

Is it still the stupid double barrier system on the way out of the Biarritz aire ? :-S ...............


Also is the chap who's lived on the aire for the last 6 years the guardian? ;-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2015-10-05 7:12 PM


Is it still the stupid double barrier system on the way out of the Biarritz aire ? :-S ...............


Also is the chap who's lived on the aire for the last 6 years the guardian? ;-) ...........



Yes double barrier system still in operation, in fact first barrier nearly caught us, Jean just managed to go through quickly enough to avoid it but not too quick to run into second barrier before it lifted, as gap between is around 8 metres and we are almost 7.5 metres.

Think man acting as guardian, and it appears official, is the same who has lived on aire for many years. There are another couple of vans longterming, but rest just stay one, two or three nights in main.

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Sunseekers2 - 2015-10-05 9:03 PM


Biarritz done it once and one to many thank you. Very overrated and when we were there electric point forget it now maybe better but we won't be back. Hendaye understand some of the campsites are better some with transport to beach/town.

Sorry you do not like Biarritz, yes it can be a bit expensive and busy, but we enjoy sitting outside with a coffee, or something a little stronger, at one of the bars or restaurants overlooking the Grand Plage. It then is nice to have a walk onto the old fishing harbour say for a nice fish based lunch before then taking the bus to Bayonne maybe, and a visit to the Basque museum. We always find plenty to enjoy and find the aire a good base from which to explore. Perhaps you stayed on a site which was further out or attempted to drive in and out of town, which certainly would not be so good. By the way now no problems with electric hook ups.

Regarding Hendaye then do not really know sites well but drove past a few on way in which were all closed so not much use. As stated aire although not world's best does benefit from free bus to beach, town etc as well as train station opposite.

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Thank you Neil. I enjoyed looking at those videos particularly Gruissan which I have not visited for a few years now. There appears to be a lot more building completed on the way to the aire and the aire itself looks much more tidy and not well looked after. Price is good too - I think it was €7 the last time I visited. Looks as if you chose the pitch that we used to choose!! Brings back some good memories. May try Biaritzz when I go down to Spain next January.
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