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The dangers of overgrown road signs

rambling robin

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The last couple of years I have really noticed the problems of all types of road signage, including speed limits, becoming hidden by overgrowth of surrounding vegetation. However this year it has reached the point where in some cases you just cannot see what roundabout exit you need, where the signpost is - let alone what it says - what was that speed limit sign???? Sudden braking and lane changing are not good for you with a 3 ton load!!!

Obviously financial cutbacks are to be blamed for the lack of overgrowth cutbacks. In many rural areas local landowners and farmers do good work on hedges etc, but no-one seems to be bothering with main roads in or out of towns.

Am I alone in being concerned about this?

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It's a real problem at this time of year. I watched French workmen strimming and cutting hedges last week, but all that will be paid by the local taxes as it's a different model of local government. Let the community raise the money and the local mayor decide on priorities.
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Billggski - 2015-10-09 8:22 AM


. Let the community raise the money and the local mayor decide on priorities.

Would you REALLY want an un-elected mayor in charge of community cash??? Do you really want to be like French, ? I certainly don't, thanks


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I share your concern because I use maps and signposts to navigate rather than satnavs. You can report such instances on the Wirral and the Council put it on their to-do list. Priority is given to issues which are a safety risk. Wirral MBC seems to have a good reputation for completing things on their to-do list. If we all report our own local issues, perhaps they will all get done.


Our local bus companies also do some trimming of trees/bushes.

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Well if the mega change of local authorities keeping all their business rates but receiving no rate support grant happens to the schedule announced by George Osbourne at the Tory party conference happens, local mayors may be in a better position financially to address such issues. You never know - we might even see a return to the better days when English town centres actually looked attractive! As a cynical retired local government Leisure Services Director - I am not holding my breath, but will continue to really enjoy the French town street scene :-D
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Have you noticed in France how good the road surfaces are, how well trimmed the verges are, how nice the Aires are. Wouldn't be nice to have that in UK. I for one would not mind paying a little extra to have these things.

The worst thing about overgrown road signs in UK is when it is hiding a low bridge sign, like 2.8 metres when you are 3 metres. Can be embarrasing when you have to back up everyone behind you.

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Very respectfully, based on the local roads here in SW France, the very opposite is true. Sure, the autoroutes are very good, if occasionally quite expensive, but away from the major routes , the roads are in a very poor state. Most of our local roads are quite narrow, and grass verges are only trimmed twice each year, only when the vegetation has grown to 2 or 3 feet tall and is overhanging the carriageway, thereby reducing the effective width of the road to a single lane. If you meet a vehicle coming the other way you can be sure that they will not slow down or move over, because hidden in the grass are lots of gulleys and drains at the edge of the tarmac. Sign posting is not always good, and can often be obscured by the vegetation which is only trimmed when the verges are trimmed, if at all.

I realise that I'm getting older, and perhaps wiser, and I have a lot more time on my hands so I don't rush around as I used to, but on our journeys around here our average speed is no more than 20 mph, less if we get stuck behind a motorhome.


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It's an interesting, but obviously contentious, point. But travelling on the non-toll routes through France we remarked several times how small villages had superb floral displays along their main streets, how many towns had municipal sports centres, campsites, and aires, all presumably financed locally through the small additional local tax on each bill. Hedges and verges in the north, the Villages Fleuri particularly were also immaculate, so I suppose it depends on what the (elected) council decide to spend their income on.

The town we ski in, St Gervais les Bains has really extensive floral displays in the summer, replaced each October with lights and Christams decorations which stay up until Easter.

It makes our local bid for Britain in Bloom look quite pathetic.

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Ah yes, in our small town we too get all the floral displays etc, and we too have all the sports facilities and so on, and the mainish road through the town,which runs down the Lot Valley ls also OK and I suppose that is the sort of road you will drive on when avoiding the toll roads., but when you turn off the D811 onto the side roads they can be quite dangerous particularly in early summer.

People living " in the sticks" in rural France tend to live their lives quite " locally", we have great difficulty getting artisans to work for us because they will only travel for 10 or so minutes to work because they all expect to go home for lunch, so the small ones roads are the ones we travel on most of the time.



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I cannot find any reference to France in the original post. Speaking for the UK should signs be obstructed by vegetation then that provides a defence to potential conviction. ie. If speed signs are obstructed and you are summoned/fixed penalty ticketed then take a photo of the restriction signs and submit to the authority which issued the summons/fpt. When covered by vegetation they are not lawful signs. What the situation is in France I do not know but the original post did not appear to be speaking of france. Always, if you receive a ticket/summons then go back to the scene and take photos. They may not help but often they may get you off.


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