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Just been up the garden with the dogs - not that they wanted to with all the fireworks going off!! Found two rockets embedded in the lawn and two laying at the back of the Murvi. I`ll have to get the ladder out tomorrow and check the roof of the van - a neighbour had a display and pointed everthing my way!! Any one ever had one through the roof of their coachbuilt?
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BAN the blasted things! Most people have NO idea what they are 'celebrating'. The noise frightens horses/dogs/cats/wild animals. We had some bright spark letting off at 2.00 a.m. Sunday >:-( if I and half the neighbourhood] could have got hold of him I would have broken his neck. I do not take begin woken suddenly very well 8o| I notice however that some of the moaners went to a display themselves but it is very popular to be 'seen' in this area with the 'right' people .........
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We went to Ravenglass CCC site ( very well laid out, very modern) only to find a bonfire and 1/2 ton of fireworks 1/2 a mile away with on shore breeze blowing all the smoke into the site, many a motorhome dog had a rough couple of hours me thinks. 8o| If you don't look up you won't see it coming.
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A couple of years ago we also tried the lake district to avoid fireworks and we also ended near a display. The dog was frantic. Last year stayed at home , it was awful, 3 weeks of fireworks every night. So far this year much better although I expect some "parties" will dribble on for the next 10 days or so. I wrote to my MP about the nuisance and I would encourage others with misgivings to do the same. I can't claim my letter did any good but at least he is aware of my strong feelings and has had to put pen to paper,or at least one of his staff has. Either way if I inconvenience him enough he will do something, after all I pay his salary. Next year we may go in the 'van to France for a couple of weeks or so. Hope I don't end up near a colony of ex pats celebrating ! !
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I gave our very scared JR a sedative tablet - although she was dozey her heart was still racing and she panted a lot all of Sat evening. Last night the local pub had a HUGE display, we hadn't sedated her. She was trying to dig under the settee via the cushions. Even I jumped when the finale was taking place. D.A.P. products are supposedly useful - pet stores and the Vets sell them. It's pheromones you know :$ ;-) which are manufactured to calm the pet. But it wont help horses in the fields etc. will it :-( >:-(
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Our last dog, a Doberman/labrador cross was always very nervous and hated this time of year. Shew would literally try to hide under herself. current lump Dexter, Staffie/boxer cross actually likes to watch firework displays. Its only the very loud bangs he doesn't like but all he does is bark at them. Personally I think that only professionaly organised events should be allowed to have fireworks and public sales of them should be banned. Perhaps then we wouldn't have kids going round for a month either side of Guy Fawlkes night terrorising everyone. By the way, what do we actually celebrate on Guy Fawlkes night, the fact he tried to blow up the HOP or the fact he was caught and burned? D.
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[QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2006-11-07 3:54 PM Personally I think that only professionaly organised events should be allowed to have fireworks and public sales of them should be banned. Perhaps then we wouldn't have kids going round for a month either side of Guy Fawlkes night terrorising everyone. By the way, what do we actually celebrate on Guy Fawlkes night, the fact he tried to blow up the HOP or the fact he was caught and burned? D.[/QUOTE] Exactly what we think!...... Our neighbors had a bit of a display in their back garden on Sunday and yes exactly as someone else has already posted they were what seemed deliberately showering our motorhome and car with what looked like cement dust, both of which incidentally I had just cleaned from the night before's episode >:-( so no more to do, out came the hose pipe and step ladders to rectify the problem, but I ended up accidentally doing a bit of showering of my own ;-) ....Funny thing is, it seemed to dampen their enthusiasm somewhat as they went in afterwards, think they got the message though. :D
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It's 'guy fawkes night' and 'penny for the guy' - so it's a celebration (?) of burning a man at the Stake .......... the fireworks are a much later idea although the Chinese have been letting them off for Centuries! But I don't want those sort of 'bangers' over here >:-( >:-( I'm going to buy a book that I saw advertised over the weekend which tells the history and how it relates to modern day living. I wonder - if Fawkes and his mates had succeeded :-D ;-)
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Please don't be tempted to sedate your pets for fireworks. The sedative offered by vets (usually ACP) just relax the muscles. This means the fear is even worse because the animal cannot invoke its flight response. Allow your pet to go to its chosen bolt hole and stay there without interference. If we interact with them they think that we too are worried. If we ignore them they gain confidence from our indiferance. Check out an organisation called COAPE. They have a website and are really on the ball when it comes to pet behaviour problems. There is a new medication combination that works well but needs a professional to explain it and give advice pertaining to each individual pet. The DAP can be useful but only in conjuction with other methods such as access to a bolthole and calm humans who don't keep looking at the pet and making the fear worse by reacting (in the eyes of the pet) by soothing and comforting. I have know of two labradors cured by being put into kennels where no one took any notice of them! Not recommending it but just to show how important it is to ignore the bangs and flashes. Try yawning and laughing. The dog knows you are relaxed! Try www.coape.co.uk for therapist in your area. Do it now for New Year!! Pat
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Hi, From what I read in the local rag, the yobs in Port Talbot have (hopefully) shot themselves in the foot. A school gym was burned to the ground (£100,000) several cars were torched, and houses broken into to find furniture to throw on bonfires. I've thought about complaining to ASDA about their firework and Halloween promotions, but I doubt the thought of losing one customer would persuade them to do anything different. My two GSds wanted to be cuddled on the sofa when fireworks were being let off, but our latest dog wants to go and sort them out. Litter? I expect to be fined for chucking a sweet paper away. Probably cheaper to launch it into space. 602
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The funny bit was the news reader trying not to laugh. ....... (lol) I wonder whether the rest of the News room had laid bets on how far through the item the reader would get without laughing? Come-uppance springs to mind :-D - no sense no feeling maybe? As for my JR - if we leave her she digs her way into the settee via the cushions; or paces the floor. She is a rescue dog so we have no idea how she has been treated; we do not reinforce her behaviour other than to let her hide behind our backs in a dark place. The sedative I bought was from a pet supermarket. She was doped enough to be able to lift her head, listen and then go back to sleep. I gave her a full dose on Sat afternoon but she still panted; a half dose the next night helped without her panting. Unfortunately we didn't anticipate the huge display on Monday evening which left us all shaking. GRRRR DAP diffusers work without any other 'techniques'. Any other techniques would surely be reinforcing the problem? Banning fireworks would solve problems across the country.
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Apparently it was video-oed as a stunt :-D What they forgot is that rockets have tremendous burning power *before* they lift off. So all that heat went inside the silly sod ......... he'll be able to entertain at dinner parties for years to come ;-)
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