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Books for the winter or Christmas


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There's a man who goes round Ireland in a pony caravan but can't remember the title. There's a lady who travels the World on her cycle - she's Irish but again, can't remember the titles - Devla I think her first name is. Have a look round Waterstones at the 'real life' stories - you might find some of interest there which you can then search in the Charity shops or on Book Crossing.
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The Irish Lady's name is Dervla Murphy. Her latest book, Silverland, A Winter Journey Beyond the Urals, was reviewed in last Saturday's Telegraph. It clearly deals with a part of the world that most Motorcaravanners will never see but it seems a fascinating tale. One can always travel from the comfort of an armchair. A book I have just read and can thoroughly recommend is "Narrow Dog to Carcassonne" by Terry Darlington. Now this is a book that we can relate to. It concerns a retired couple with a canal narrow boat and a whippet named Jim who travel through the UK canal system, cross the Channel and journey through the Belgium and French waterways to Carcassonne. After all, a canal narrow boat is very similar so far as accommodation is concerned to a motorhome and for those of us who know France at all well it is most evocative. Most enjoyable and readable. John S
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Currently on the go...The Longest Crawl by Ian Marchant Pub crawl from The Isles of Scilly to The Shetlands. Not in a motorhome but easily immitated. Just finished...A Perfect Circle by Susie Kelly Cycling around the perimeter of France. Easily adapted. Can recommend Slim dog to Carcassonne. www.magbaztravels.com is a constant source of interest to many motor home owners. Nick
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I saw the film of narrow dog ........ poor Jim was not a happy whippet :'( can dogs turn green, he very nearly did! There was a programme on Anglia 'waterways' and each week the trip was shown - the mere thought of a narrow boat on the Channel was enough to convince me that they were verging on the ??? Dervla Murphy - thanks, knew some one would come up with her name! I couldn't get into Mark Wallington's book *-) - I do have lots of FREE motorhome magazines though if you want to stick to the subject (lol)
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