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SatNav Aire locations for download


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In my travels around the internet I came across a web site offering the web site http://www.motorhome-list.org.uk/pushpins.htm where someone has created a ‘pushpin’ file listing all the Aire de Service locations.

For the uninitiated, pushpins are used in Microsoft AutoRoute to show the location of various places.

To save you going to the web site it says :-

"There are 292 FREE A/De/S pins gleaned from the 1999 Guide national Aires de Service.

Each pin shows the location, and the longitude and latitude coordinates. For GPS owners please note that the long/lat coordinates are for the town or village where the Aires are located, not the actual Aire.

The originator has also included on a few pins, added information, e.g., number of motorhomes, plage, etc"

Please note that the information was last updated on 23/01/2000 whilst the main web site is currently 4 years out of date.

But, something is better than nothing so I for one am very grateful.

The original downloadable pushpin file is fine if you have Microsoft AutoRoute installed on your PC at home which will enable you to plan your journey but not a lot of help when you get out on the road and are using your TomTom SatNav.

Well, this is where I come in.

I’ve downloaded the file and have converted it into a TomTom POI file and am offering it as a FREE download.  The downloadable ZIP file contains the following four files :-

aire.ov2 – the aire locations in TomTom format

aire.bmp – the aire logo

aire.axe – the Microsoft AutoRoute produced pushpins

aire.peu – the original downloadable file 

The downloadable file is only 28kb and can be downloaded from my web site at  http://www.nodarkroom.co.uk/downloads/aire.zip

Download the file and unzip it then copy the ‘ov2’ and ‘bmp’ files into your France folder on your TomTom and treat as a normal POI.

Can I just reiterate once more that the aire POI locations were last updated 23/01/2000.  Also, they are not my work and have been compiled by someone else.  I therefore cannot vouch for there location or accuracy.

All I have done is to make the aire locations available to a greater audience by converting them into a format that many more people can use.

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They also sell a very good CD with loads of information that has been written by people who have actually used the particular Aire, ? [QUOTE]derek500 - 2006-11-06 12:10 PM You can also download Tomtom POIs for French Aires from:- http://www.campingcar-infos.com/Francais/recherche.php[/QUOTE]
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