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Dover Western Docks revival... (gulp) Aire?


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Long time no post. We moved to Dover to be closer to the Migrants. Been a bit busy with new home.

Dover generally is sprucing itself up . Not before time. The Port of Dover is seeking to redevelop the Western Docks and provide something like 10kms of lorry queuing, new Ferry Berths ad so on. All very swish.


The promo leaflet invites comments so I rang the communications officer yesterday 01304 240400. chris.talbot@doverport.co.uk and broached the subject of an "Aire" with a sani station. I was surprised by not being immediately fobbed off and we had a cordial conversation about dedicated motorhome parking with facilities (not camping) within the new development, acts of parliament, planning restrictions etc


He's going to log my comment to be considered by the steering group. I asked whether lobbying was to be encouraged or would it be an irritant. In essence his response was "the more noise you make, the more likely you are to get heard"


The development is years away but if you can summon the nrg now's the time to get dialling or emailing.


I recall that ages ago someone on this forum was promoting a site where we could direct councils/ councillors to get information about what French Aires and Stellpatz were all about. I did a quick search today but no joy. If anyone has a link, please could you post it?


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More chance of he'll etc

I sort of knew someone would say that :-))

But Dover is getting on with the new port. The ugly concrete building ( it was a hotel ) on the left as you drive to the ferry terminal is being demolished and is being recycled as hardcore for the new dock


Courage mes braves .. support the cause.

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A great Post-a useful piece of "ammunition" would be to direct the steering group/chris talbot towards the area of Marine Parade and Wellington Avenue any evening from around 5pm. The number of motorhomes parked there will give a useful clue as to the need for a dedicated aire.
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Hughmer - 2015-10-21 9:02 AM


More chance of he'll etc


I sort of knew someone would say that :-))

But Dover is getting on with the new port. The ugly concrete building ( it was a hotel ) on the left as you drive to the ferry terminal is being demolished and is being recycled as hardcore for the new dock


Courage mes braves .. support the cause.


Hughmer - 2015-10-21 11:52 AM


Thanks for reminding me. .Mr Talbot was well aware of the marine Parade issue and suggested I make the point to my local councillors. I intend to ...one fine day.


Good luck in the "getting on" bit. Dover have got a huge amount of work to do and i'm not just talking building bricks either.....i'm talking about building up custom and business, and the 'jobsworth' parking attendants need removing first.


They've damaged the small businesses in Dover by chasing custom away. I was told this by a disgruntled shopkeeper the last time i shopped in Dover which was now a good few years ago. I'd just been slapped with a ticket on Marine Parade. Gale wind storm lashed sea front, my van the ONLY van parked.......yet old Jobsworth had descended on it like a leech. As a result i vowed never to spend a penny of my money in Dover again, and haven't. Instead that custom goes across the Channel where i spend it staying for a couple of nights on a very pleasant FREE Aire at Bray-Dune.


If Dover are REALLY serious about this, then i'd suggest Dover Councillors take 'a jolly' over to Bray-Dune and see how it can be done! The cynic within me though suggests they won't like the word 'free'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why the negativity?


Canterbury have it dead right, £3 inc fresh and waste water usage, ok Canterbury sure is not Dover but for goodness sake £3!!!!!


So Dover charges £2?


Or 29p


There's no escaping the fact that 3p would be too much for some and of course there lies the problem.





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Bulletguy - 2015-10-21 7:29 PM


Hughmer - 2015-10-21 9:02 AM


More chance of he'll etc


I sort of knew someone would say that :-))

But Dover is getting on with the new port. The ugly concrete building ( it was a hotel ) on the left as you drive to the ferry terminal is being demolished and is being recycled as hardcore for the new dock


Courage mes braves .. support the cause.

During the war panzer tanks were made to feel and indeed were more welcome in dover than any campervan or motorhome. That traffic warden did for me one wet and windy evening as 3mm of my vehicle had committed the most heinous of crimes by being in a restricted area 5 mins. early. Mind you I did catch a glimpse of him as he scurried away, I thought I recognized him. It was the small moustache and the way his hair was swept to one side, at first I thought it was "Blakey" the bus inspector... but no he shouted something in a foreign language along the lines of "clear orff" then pointed at something far off in the sky and said " Merkel" Dover is a dreadful place and the town planners, councillors etc have done more damage than the Germans did to it. Dover is a bad joke and it's the first town visitors see as they leave the port. I wouldn't worry about refugees and immigrants coming in through Dover, they'd take one look and turn on their heels back to the port.


Hughmer - 2015-10-21 11:52 AM


Thanks for reminding me. .Mr Talbot was well aware of the marine Parade issue and suggested I make the point to my local councillors. I intend to ...one fine day.


Good luck in the "getting on" bit. Dover have got a huge amount of work to do and i'm not just talking building bricks either.....i'm talking about building up custom and business, and the 'jobsworth' parking attendants need removing first.


They've damaged the small businesses in Dover by chasing custom away. I was told this by a disgruntled shopkeeper the last time i shopped in Dover which was now a good few years ago. I'd just been slapped with a ticket on Marine Parade. Gale wind storm lashed sea front, my van the ONLY van parked.......yet old Jobsworth had descended on it like a leech. As a result i vowed never to spend a penny of my money in Dover again, and haven't. Instead that custom goes across the Channel where i spend it staying for a couple of nights on a very pleasant FREE Aire at Bray-Dune.


If Dover are REALLY serious about this, then i'd suggest Dover Councillors take 'a jolly' over to Bray-Dune and see how it can be done! The cynic within me though suggests they won't like the word 'free'.

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