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In fact it's a gas...


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What a great forum. Thanks for all the replies. Our van has space for 2 7kg cylinders, and I think we 'd like to spend around 4 to 6 weeks in France. I'm quite tempted by the refillable option. The van won't arrive until next March, so I've got some time to mull it over, and try and dig out my old text books so that I understand terms like calorific value and latent heat, so I can finally understand the differences between butane and pentane. Again, huge thanks for taking the time to answer the question.
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So far Tiggy as they call themselves have not given any indication what type of van they have ordered. If it were a large type I would have thought some explanation would have been supplied. We also don't know if there is even a 'kitchen area' !


How someone can order a van 'blind' with no knowledge of how anything works I find puzzling. Before adding any positive comments I need to read what van has been ordered, when and from who?


All I read is ... "Oh well, taken the plunge and ordered a new motor home, arrives next spring" ... as if to say " Hey Ho I've just ordered a bicycle and I do hope it has a saddle"


So ... Tiggy ... "Oh well" ... whoever you may be, unless you can supply a more productive answer to a type and size of van you've supposedly ordered and possibly say why you chose that type as opposed to all the others on offer I say no more.


Will 86

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We ordered a Swift Rio 320. We ordered that one because we have some restrictions on width because of where we live, wanted a toilet in a fixed cubicle and wanted two single beds, both with access to said toilet without waking up the occupant of the other bed. We're into sea kayaking, so the ability to carry a 5m boat is a plus. Ordered the van at the NEC, our third show, we've been looking hard for 18 months but have struggled to find exactly the right van, in the end, we have had to learn to compromise, but the 18 months was spent learning what we were prepared to compromise on and what was a deal breaker. Our experience so far has been 12 months living in a van driving around Australia and another three months in New Zealand, so very very different from what we are going to find over here, but that was how we caught the motor home bug.
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That's a good choice and ideal with a rear opening for stowing the Kayack. I have a relative who's into the same sport and he floats off from a little used area in Sussex.


When wandering around Down Under many years ago I found some great backwaters in N Island New Zealand with perfect flat waters and the campsite right on the shore line, unfortunately I've lost the location.


I cannot add to the gas advice already posted, but you sound as if you're seasoned travellers, great.



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