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Low Emission Zones in Italy


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Hi sorry for the newbie question, but does anyone have up to date advice on how LEZs affect you in Italy especially for a Euro 3 class vehicle ?


Does it just stop you going into the centre of bigger towns and cities, that with a motor home you are unlikely to do anyway?


Are there LEZs that affect areas or popular routes?


We are about to buy our first motor home, probably a van conversion and probably Euro 3, then tour Italy for six months with our dog, so don't want to make a wrong van choice!






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I am not aware of Low Emission Zones in Italy but there are ZTL Zona Traffico Limitato Zones particularly in the more historic parts of towns and cities (including some quite small towns) These are not always well signposted and/or you can come upon them suddenly and be faced with a difficult reverse. Some have CCTV cameras to enable penalties to be issued. Driving in the centre of larger towns and cities in Italy is not for the faint hearted




This you tube video is humorous but also very near the truth !!



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