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how many cans of beer can l carry


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We have been told that you can transport to the maximum weight allowable in your vehicle.  I believe that the horror stories of old, where vehicles are impounded, are just that... to do this contravenes EU regulations.  Apparently.  Anyone wish to comment?
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He is a Dutch Mountain dog. We rescued him five years ago when he was seven. He had been through five homes at that stage and he suffers badly from Arthritis. Seems nobody could speak to him in Dutch so he was quite at home with us where I speak a lot of double dutch or as she who rules the roost says "you talk a lot of bull****" Oh by the way way his name is Dancer, stupid name for a dog I know but he was taken into a rehoming centre at Xmas, guess what the other dog was called? Oh to cross contaminate this thread he loves fireworks sits up at the window watching them tail wagging, barks when one goes by that he likes. Very comfy in the front of the van Lizzy but he does obstruct the view when parking. Docted
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