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Motorhome parking


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I don't know about everyone else, being a motorhome owner for a number of years, I get really fed up to the back teeth of not being able to park anywhere for either shopping or just to sit and enjoy parks due to either height restrictions or narrow parking bays. After all I pay road tax the same as car drivers so why is there not a small amount of parking that I can use. I would even pay for the privalidge! On route to somewhere I cannot stop to buy food or do any kind of shopping. Would like to know if anyone else feels the same.
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I agree about parking up to admire a view but can't agree about shopping. Never come across a supermarket with height barriers during daytime, in fact in most towns we head straight for a supermarket as we pretty much guarantee being able to park. Check out 'Motorhome Parking' website for a county by county list of suitable car parks.
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People who travel the Continent tell tales of massive open spaces where you can park your motorhome wherever you want. They also tell tales of highly restrictive parking in the UK for motorhomes. The truth is somewhere between the two.


It's unusual for me to have a problem parking my motorhome in the UK. I accept some of the parking restrictions we have because of the activities of a few and the density of road users in some areas. It's because I am considerate to others so, for example, will sometimes ask permission to park in a busy supermarket car park when I cannot shop outside the busy periods. I use Google maps, or equivalent, to check out where I am going if in doubt. I will sometimes email or ring the destination to ask about parking - some will arrange for someone to raise the height barriers. I don't want to park a big white box on the seafront overnight to spoil the view of residents who have paid vast sums of money to have a view of the sea but I understand the desire to 'wild camp' inconspicuously.


I've never had a problem to stop and buy some food possibly because so many petrol stations have decent sized shops on them, local shops are usually within walking distance of where I can park, and we plan our shopping ahead.


So sorry Hobbs, I'm not fed up to the back teeth. I accept I have to adapt to the UK as it is and not how I want it to be. I stay away from the South East in particular. But I do understand the frustrations of living in a crowded country and there are advantages in using the motorhome to tour less densely populated countries on the Continent. I don't know where you live, but the further north you go, the easier it gets!


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The poster does not mention the size of his motorhome, that could influence his problem with parking, however I sometimes cant understand when on site I watch a 7metre+ coach built roll up, and you guessed it, it only has 2 people in it, only to follow by them erecting a large awning for even more space! and very few are disabled in any way.
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chas - 2015-11-03 11:20 AM


The poster does not mention the size of his motorhome, that could influence his problem with parking, however I sometimes cant understand when on site I watch a 7metre+ coach built roll up, and you guessed it, it only has 2 people in it, only to follow by them erecting a large awning for even more space! and very few are disabled in any way.


That could be me. Sometimes I travel on my own, sometimes with the extended family. One motorhome, many uses.

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Hobbs - 2015-11-03 9:13 AM


I don't know about everyone else, being a motorhome owner for a number of years, I get really fed up to the back teeth of not being able to park anywhere for either shopping or just to sit and enjoy parks due to either height restrictions or narrow parking bays. After all I pay road tax the same as car drivers so why is there not a small amount of parking that I can use. I would even pay for the privalidge! On route to somewhere I cannot stop to buy food or do any kind of shopping. Would like to know if anyone else feels the same.


Ditto, Thats why we bought an A-Frame to tow our car with us, didn't start out like that, but UK local councils have made it almost impossible to park legally in MOST town centres, most of this has happened since 2008, and Austerity started to bite the councils, we didn't want to 'overnight' at these places, just park to go sightseeing or shopping, but the rules are the same. I agree that it is VERY unfair, and it is OUR country, why shoudn't we be able to tour in it ? The Car is OUR way around it, not very satisfactory but now a necessity, for us anyway.And we don't want a caravan. Our van is 7.6 metres, only has a roll out Awning, and yes, my wife is disabled. 7.6 metres is no bigger than most delivery vans. Why the problem ?

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paulmold - 2015-11-03 9:33 AM


I agree about parking up to admire a view but can't agree about shopping. Never come across a supermarket with height barriers during daytime, in fact in most towns we head straight for a supermarket as we pretty much guarantee being able to park. Check out 'Motorhome Parking' website for a county by county list of suitable car parks.


There are lots with Daytime height barriers into the shoppers parking area,Asda, Merthyr Tydfil, just one of them.

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Wallynnette - 2015-11-03 12:21 PM


You're right, he doesn't mention the size of his motorhome, like wise your reference to 'Disabled' I've read all the posts but I can't find anything that remotely suggests disability. Or am I missing something??



You are missing something, My post was referring to the large amount of room some people seem to need, which can be quite understandable if perhaps the need for wheelchair/oxygen equipment ect is required for a disable person. My observations have been that most have been fully fit, but just like to have lots of room. Do you understand the post now ?

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in general we find parking more relaxed in Europe but that is a big generalisation. We had an unusual experience with supermarket parking in L'Aquila in Italy this Spring. It was a recently built Carrefour Store. There was no height barrier going in and we easily found a suitable parking space in the corner of the car park and did our shopping. We carefully followed the arrowed route to the exit to find a massive steel height barrier on the EXIT road clearly too low to get out. Went into the store and eventually the security guard was called. With pidgin english he conveyed that he was not interested and that it was our problem. So we parked at the EXIT gate completely blocking the car park went back into the store and spoke to him again. This seemed to have got his attention and he stopped the traffic to allow us to exit through the IN gate. Italy is pretty idiosyncratic but this was our of our more bizarre experiences.
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Rayjsj - 2015-11-03 3:22 PM


paulmold - 2015-11-03 9:33 AM


I agree about parking up to admire a view but can't agree about shopping. Never come across a supermarket with height barriers during daytime, in fact in most towns we head straight for a supermarket as we pretty much guarantee being able to park. Check out 'Motorhome Parking' website for a county by county list of suitable car parks.


There are lots with Daytime height barriers into the shoppers parking area,Asda, Merthyr Tydfil, just one of them.[/quote


Our local 24hr Asda only puts the height barriers across at night to prevent overnight parking. As I said, I've never had a problem but then again I've never been to Merthyr.

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Don't go to Bridlington! Unattended hight barriers on Park and Ride and every other council car park. Problems with Travellers apparently. Most seaside councils seem to have a thing about vehicles 3.5 + tons and over 6 foot high. Answer, stick it in a supermarket carpark. Best of Luck, Ian.
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Guest pelmetman

Don't bother with the Lincolnshire coast either *-) .................Unless your heading for a campsite :-| .........





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It`s a VEHICLE. larger than most. but still a VEHICLE. The owner pays as much tax (often more) for the privilege of ownership. Therefore it is incumbent upon those who provide parking to accommodate said VEHICLE. Most are no larger than Delivery vans anyway, many of whom (are often forced) to park in awkward places anyway in order to effect deliveries.


ASADA. locally banned the army driver training vehicles from using the more remote parts of their car park when asked the reason give was the "objection of the Public" (who where not Objecting when these same "boys" where being shot at on their behalf). The probable loss to ASDA, was a lot of purchases made by the Trainees and Driving instructors.


The oft used excuse of "to stop travellers" doesn't wash either. The way to stop "travellers" is to take away their vehicle if they do not move with 12hrs of arrival. leave the B***er`s homeless in the winter weather will stop that "toot sweet".


I too have a 7.4M motor-home. which is increasingly being subjected to Discrimination. Maybe I should start to scream racism?. It would, after-all, seem to work for everything else these days!!



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The Reply I always get from Councils I write to/email to complain of lack of suitable Parking when in my M/H due to Height Barriers are they are they to Deter the Traveling Fraternity, due to the cost of cleaning up when they do decide to move on, and then I may get a given location where HGV,s or Coach park. so Its Not aimed at us Motorhome owners who actually spend money in their Cities and towns.  ? But still a Pain in tharse.
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Thanks for all of your views, basically I find it unjust that I pay my taxes the same as any other road user and. Dont know who it was that commented about big motorhomes with only two peple in them...... could say the same about houses then!!! Yes it was my decision to have a largish motorhome like it is others decision to have large cars and 4x4's, (wonder if there is only two pople in these), yes we can park in some Tesco to do our shopping if I want to go in the middle of the night or early hours of the morning due to narrow parking and narrow roads geared up to cram as many cars in as possible. En route to Dover this week had to call into accountants in welwyn Garden City I had to park 5 mile out of the town and cycle in, some my say that is good for me and I would agree but I would like it to be my choice and not a forced decision!

Some of you stated it is because of travellers why we cannot enjoy the same privilege as other road users; this is discrimination against those that respect our country side and just occasionally wish to enjoy what our country has to offer! To sum it up apart from not being able to go shopping and the once of year trip en route to the accountants, France, Italy and Spain will be getting the money I am willing to spend. What a shame!!!!

Thank you all for your comments.

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chas - 2015-11-03 11:20 AM


I sometimes cant understand when on site I watch a 7metre+ coach built roll up, and you guessed it, it only has 2 people in it, only to follow by them erecting a large awning for even more space!


I'm one of the above.


I can't understand why 2 people roll up onto a site in a 5m van and don't have an awning.


Choice is amazing.




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Hobbs - 2015-11-05 8:03 AM


To sum it up apart from not being able to go shopping and the once of year trip en route to the accountants, France, Italy and Spain will be getting the money I am willing to spend. What a shame!!!!

Thank you all for your comments.


So..are we to believe that, IF you were able to park your MH wherever you wanted, you wouldn't then be travelling to those countries then ?....behave!... of cause you would. (lol)


After presumably 30-40+ years of driving experience in the UK, at what point in the whole browsing- choosing-buying- ownership chain, does it actually dawn on some folk that these 7-8+ mtr vehicles are not going to be as easy to park as their cars? :-S


For those who want to shout "it's discrimination", maybe drop Amnesty a line... ;-)

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