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Motorhome Covers for Winter ?


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Hi, I have just bought a 4 year old Elddis Aspire. Although I'll want to use it every few weekends in winter, I wondered whether to buy a decent cover to keep off rain, dirt etc. ( I also live fairly close to a quarry so can have rain with limestone dust descending on occasion). I have read elsewhere that covers can cause scratching and do not allow enough ventilation. I'm looking at Protec of Bradford who seem to supply good covers, but I'm wondering if I would be better off just making sure the van is well washed and waxed, with Autoglym, products for instance, every few weeks of winter. What do you suggest please?
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Like you have already discovered there's two camps regarding covers...those who say definitely yes and those who would never because of the rubbing/scratching damage they can 'reputedly' cause.

As you say there is a limestone dust issue near you if it was my MH I would not use a cover.  Secondly as you intend to use the MH every so often putting it on/off could become a chore as you would have to make sure the roof was clean of limestone dust each and every time you refitted it.

I recently heard of a solution which makes roof cleaning easier and whilst I have yet to try it I see no reason why it shouldn't.  I also fail to see any concerns/issues/problems with this method....and it is:

Thoroughly clean the roof with a proper MH/caravan cleaner....Fenwicks caravan cleaner is a very good one......then treat with a good quality polish (if you feel the need).  Then once cleaned give the roof a spray over/wipe over with WD40 or a similar product and you have a water repellent coating which doesn't dry, is a protective film and should be/is likely to be easily washed off with your next venture onto the roof.
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I am a bit worried that using WD 40 might affect the sealing compounds adversely. I wouldn't use it on mine. I have considered a cover but have decided against it, rubbing, restricted ventilation and the bother of getting it one and off being the main problems.




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I agree re WD40 (or similar) and its possible affect on the seals, and also on any GRP or other plastics, including rooflights. You'd need to check this very carefully with manufacturers.


There is a further downside to using covers: by keeping the van dry during winter, they may prevent the discovery of water ingress during the warranty period. That one was pointed out to me by a dealer!

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Re my first post.....I 'sit' corrected.  Ye 'fonts of knowledge' are absolutely correct.  Left for any length of time WD40 can attack certain substances especially polycarbonates and the like so not nice if left on roof lights.  Therefore I would suggest the same process but use a something like 'Fenwicks Bobby Dazzler' or if you can find it a product called 'Demon Shine' as a finishing treatment either of which are reputed to give a good finish and a degree of protection but as with all final treatments they are not a long term solution requiring retreatment from time to time. 

Unfortunately there's no magic solution out there.  If there was someone would be making a fortune.
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I have witnessed the damage that covers can do and usually have several customers with moldy interiors after using so called breathable covers. Far better to wax (hand applied) then when you next clean rinse with Demonshine or similar. This will keep you van protected, another alternativel is to use an over winter coating, like Fenwicks
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Another alternative- Just a Silver Screen, and a "scuttle Cover" which drapes over the bonnet and front of the vehicle.


We use our vehicle in the winter but it's no hardship fitting and taking off those two. (we also have a "carport" which doesn;t quite cover the length of the vehicle, hence the above)




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