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Lady and me year in europe motorhome help please.

o great master jim

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Hi.get a sat nav with full mapping off east and western Europe, get the Aires /Stelplatz Sostas books from Vicarious books, camper stop books etc to find places to overnight, Campsites if you must, a watering can plastic for water top ups, hose if you must, a continental two pin hook up lead to connect your  cable if you want electricity , a polarity checker to ensure the hook up is correct polarity and earthed, Gas ,well the easiest way is refillables ,have a look at GASIT on line they are very good, get your EII medical entitlement card make sure your MOT is current when you are away and road tax too, Norway Sweden Germany are great places to visit, get a ferry from Italy and tour Greece, Spain and Portugal for winter and also Morocco, all very easy and exciting.
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