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Self seeking sat dishes


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depends on where you intend to take your RV and what you want to watch. Satellite footprints are changing a lot just recently and as the Snipe is rated at around the equivalent of a 65mm diameter I don't think it would be up to picking up a UK signal in the south of Europe but in the uk would be fine.
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I know this is of no help as I have never had a self seeking Sat dish but whilst in France this year saw one of the self seeking type going round and round for at least 30 minutes, where as the manual one we have took about a minute..

Can you manually seek the self seeking if need be, that would be the best of both worlds.


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Hi pimpdaddy,


We have had a Snipe self seeking dish fitted permanently to the roof of our new PVC (they are designed for freestanding use too) and have to say that for the price compared to other auto systems we are highly delighted so far. Only used it a couple of times here in the UK but it locked onto Astra 2 within 30 seconds and gave a very good picture. The simple to operate control box has eight satellites preprogrammed on their own buttons and I think two more can be programmed in. I know we will not get ITV or BBC further south in Europe but hopefully we will get some English speaking programmes and the news.


We needed a low profile dish as the van is parked beneath a carport and again it is one of the lowest on the market so met that particular need.


The only other auto satellite we have had was an Oyster Caro which was excellent but the Snipe is less than half the price and certainly so far is every bit as good.



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We've got the Snipe and just put it on the roof when we need it (through the skylight) It's never let us down in the UK and we've used it in France with no problems. Obviously the further south you go the less chance of Astra 2 but you've got the option of several other satellites as long as your receiver can be re-tuned.
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Just posted this on another forum as an update:


"As for the Snipe, worked well (all channels) in Belgium, Holland and just across the border into Germany. Lost BBC One etc. near Nuremberg, although still got Sky News, Pick TV and most of the channels selling something or playing music - how can these channels come across clear as a bell, yet I can't get BBC, ITV, Channel Four and Five ???????


Started to get all channels back as I got into Luxembourg and further west."


Overall I am very happy with the Snipe, it has it's limitations obviously, but if you operated within those, it is an excellent piece of equipment.



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Brian_K - 2015-11-06 8:07 PM

Lost BBC One etc. near Nuremberg, although still got Sky News, Pick TV and most of the channels selling something or playing music - how can these channels come across clear as a bell, yet I can't get BBC, ITV, Channel Four and Five ???????



The BBC etc are paranoid about any one outside of UK viewing their channels so they are broadcast on a narrow beam aimed at UK, Sky and sales channels don't have such worries and broadcast on a wider beam.

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The Astra 2 footprint has been moved north so many ex pats and holiday homes along the Med no longer get BBC etc. My 85cm Autostat2 control box seems to have dumped all its stations and memory so I cannot use it at all and I havn't made an effort to get it fixed as I have a Teleco Teleplus x 2 fitted to pick up free to air in the uk and in Spain some programs are broadcast in dual language so that is enough TV for me at present. I hate things that don't work though, so will try to get it fixed one day.
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I’m happy enough with the Snipe, works well in the UK, even on the beach under the white cliffs of Folkestone, anything else is a bonus.


I’d rather read my Kindle other than lug around a dish from Jodrell Bank. There’s always Euronews, CNN or something you can pick up to keep you updated.


But I bet you can still get that Babestation in Spain, although I’m still waiting for someone to call her - lying on a bed, twiddling a phone about…….I could do that!!!!!



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