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Peugeot Boxer 130 hp 6 speed power steering problem


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Just purchased new Autocruise Rythem.

When after a night standing, I start up van the power steering pulses i.e.steering wheel moves in sympathy with pulsing. It disappears after a few minutes, or if I switch off and restart engine.

As it intermittent it never happens when I take it to garage, rather annoying on a van costing over £40,000.

Any suggestions

Thank BJP

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Mine (2015) does the same, as do many others on the Bailey owners Facebook group, if that's any consolation.

As you say, it's a definite pulsing felt through the wheel, but it's away after 30 seconds or so.

My Peugeot dealer, who seem to on the ball, couldn't find anything wrong so I suspect that it's a feature rather than a fault.

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I have 2 problems that only last for a minute or so upon cold start and not every cold start to boot. Sadly the chances of ever getting them fixed now without leaving the van with Peugeot for weeks on end are, realistically, zero.


I'm just hoping that if they develop further they do so within the period of warranty.

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Hi Steve

Yes I agree, As you say its not every cold start it does it. As it did not happen when I took it to dealer I said on my next visit I will video it happening and then they will perhaps believe me.

It a bit like the 2007 van I bought which had the water ingress on to the engine and gearbox reverse faults.

We live in hope.

Cant find the baily website you mentioned.


Brian (BJP)

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Hi Brian,

You'll need to search for the 'Bailey motorhome owners group' on Facebook, but it's a closed group and you will need to request membership.

Facebook isn't organised in named threads like this forum so you may struggle to find when it was mentioned. I recall that it was early on when we only had perhaps 50 members and I think that 5 or 6 put their hands up and said that their vans were affected too.

I may raise the subject again now that we have almost 500 members.

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How is this "issue" a problem?


Before you know it there'll be folk demanding a recall.


Or their money back.


Good grief, you fire it up and occasionally there's some mild resistance through the wheel.


It disappears.


I'm the last one to spout on anything remotely technical but come on.




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hi Steve

Yes I did go over the top with symptoms, due to rather aggressive reply from previous person.

I agree with your description of a threepenny bit feel, and it only moves the wheels slightly.

I am trying to video it at the moment, but when out this morning and as you can gather it did not do it.

Thanks again, will keep you informed if any progress with dealer.



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