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Fiat X250 3 Litre Cylinder head woes.


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2011 3 Litre cylinder head cracked in three places. Only 39,000 miles, one careful owner, no over heating symptoms, oil looked normal. RAC took camper to RAC approved garage after noticing loss of fluid in header tank. After pressure testing garage found a leaky hose/clip, relief! After a 50 mile test drive saw small amount of fluid on outside of header tank, so pressure cap replaced. Next day got in cab couldn't crank it. After much jump leading eventually got it started and it promptly disappeared in a cloud of smoke and steam. Subsequent skimming and pressure testing found head cracked in three places. Reconditioned cylinder head fitted and guess what same problem. Is this a common problem with 3 litre heads ? A bad batch of heads in 2011 ? Would appreciate any input. Fiat didn't want to help in any way because I took camper to an independent garage. Thanks Tim.
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That's terrible news! I imagine that the head gasket had gone, allowing water to fill the bores and when it started the pressure had to go somewhere! I am sure i would have done much more checking and even stripped it down if it was hard to start. When there is suspicion of coolant problems, it's usual practice to remove an injector and have a look but what is done is done. I have never seen or heard of any head or head gasket problems on a Ducato 2.3 or 3.0 without it previously having over heated through coolant loss.

Our vans have usually covered 200,000 miles when we sell them on and we look after some (including 3.0 litre versions that have done over 300,000 so I can honestly say that this is most unusual.


I am so sorry to hear that you have been so unfortunate.


I am surprised that you found a reconditioned head at all. It must have been out of an accident damaged vehicle or something; but at least that will be replaced for free.

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