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Total Newbie Fridge Cover Advice

the burbster

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Hi All,

We recently purchased our first ever motorhome, a new chausson 500, never owned a caravan or even a tent, so the whole scene is very new to us.


I live in a rather rainy valley in wales and the motor home is parked on my drive. It has what I think must be a fairly new model thetford n300, C1 fridge, with two rather large vents on the outside. Looking at them there is no flyscreen behind them at all and although angled and shielded, they do seem to have fairly large openings. I am concerned both about water getting in and also insects, wasps and bees etc. Am I worrying about nothing?


Also, rather annoyingly, I cannot find a set of winter covers for the vent size I have anywhere, not even on thetfords website!! I was thinking of purchasing some mesh and fitting behind vents? Any thoughts or advice greatly recieved.



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...whilst I think you are probably worrying unduly, I must admit to using winter covers whilst "laid-up" and also as prescribed during cold weather.


Even with a Thetford fridge, though it is likely that Thetford vents have been fitted, it is by no means a given.


Assuming they are the larger Thetford ones, however, is this what you are looking for?




(Note the less-than-conventional fitting)



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I must admit I haven't seen any winter vent covers for the slim range Thetford Fridge/Freezers yet. If you only want them for when the MH is in storage I would make some up out of thin plastic card.

The vent louvres openings are large and I worry too if insects can get in during the summer months (we have the larger fridge/freezer) and I asked Thetford about insect screens and they said they don't do them for the newer units as they need the maximum amount of air flow for the heat rejection and any mesh would cause a restriction and the performance would suffer. They do however make winter covers for the larger models and these are solid thin plastic with small cut-away areas at either end to allow them to be used in winter with the fridge / freezer operating on gas or electric.

If you make up your own vent covers which should fit inside the grille by the way, remember to remove them before using the fridge / freezer.


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