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Dethleffs Eurostlyle ( A Lowdhams special)


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Hi Richard We bought a new Eurostyle A54 from Lowdhams and took delivery on the 1st July this year. It was our 1st motorhome and having looked at second hand prices decided we could buy new new for our budget. And no regrets. Problems - 2 (maybe3) 1st - Passenger door mirror not adjusted correctly. Fixed in 15 minutes 2nd - Gas leak on the oven circuit, fixed whilst we waited 3rd - not a problem really. We found the king size overcab bed on the hard side and fixed it with an argos metress topper Good things - everything else. It is built really well and we love it. So far we have had 5 weeks away and covered 2,500 miles and from new are averaging just under 30 MPG. Nothing has come unscrewed and the only thing that can be a bit of a bind is accessing the storage under the setee because there is no access from outside. We think we got it right for us and have no intention of changing vans. regards Geoff
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Hi Richard, sorry if my previous reply seemed a bit abrupt I was short on time. Many people buy their first motorhome brand new then within a few months find that they don't like the lifestyle or the 'van is wrong for one reason or another. To change motorhomes so early in your ownership costs a small fortune in depreciation. This is why I advised to buy a second hand van to start with so that if you find the layout doesn't work for you or you just plain don't go for motorhoming then your financial losses will be minimised. If you buy a second hand van with a similar layout to the one you've chosen you can establish that it is the right size and layout to suit your requirements, if this turns out to be the case thewn after 6 or 12 months say you can part ex your second hand one for the real motorhome of your dreams. An even better idea is to hire one first. D.
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Hi Richard. This may not be of use but i will say..... i have no recomendations on the motorhome having never tried it but what i will say ( and im sure many will disagree,,they usually do) is that IN MY OPINION you will be well looked after at Lowhdams.. ive delt with them for a few years and so have a lot of my friends and i cannot remember any bad feed back regarding them,, i will also say that i do think you get more for your money from them as oppessed to others such as Brow****ls.. But thats just my opinion.. Hope you engoy the new van.
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Richard, I too don't have experience of the model that you mentioned, but I do have knowledge of dealing with Lowdhams. I would certainly consider Daves advice before spending a lot of money. As Geoff has mentioned, someone may disagree about Lowdhams, and I'm afraid that I have to. We bought our M/H new from them last year and have experienced many problems. The main difficulty in my experience is getting them to deal with your problems. I've lost count of the times that they have promised to ring back, but seldom do. The after sales service is NOT what I expected from a dealer that won a MMM award in 2005. Having said that, I feel that I'm a reasonable person and realise that they are often very busy. At the moment, I have a feeling that I might have to resort to legal action, since my patience is wearing thin. Time will tell.
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Hi thanks for the replys. I did orignaly think of buying second hand with a budget of 25K. But after looking around I think a new M/H can be better value. I was offed a new Eurostyle A63 on a new Transit 2.4 which retailed at £30695 for £28900 at the NEC show. With the new cab just out and a longer manafacture warantee I think it makes better economic sence to buy new? I do see the point in the second hand route, but you are also limited to what is for sale where as new you can have what model, layout, colour trim ETC. Anyone else got any experance of a Dethleffs Eurostyle or Lowdhams. Is there anythink of simular quality worth looking at? I might be going to the Show in London this Friday to try and make my mind up Thanks Richard
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Dave Newells advice is very sound but I too decided that a new van made a better buy. One peice of advice I was given was when you have decided which van you think is the one you want go and play in it. By play I mean go through all the things you would be doing in it (smutty minds).You may feel completely silly mimeing stuff like everyone eating a meal or some in bed while others are watching tv BUT its better to feel a bit silly than make a very expensive mistake. The other things to look for are how you will use the van ie on site , wildcamp etc. as these things will be relevant to what van you purchase. An example would be that if you wanted to use your van in the winter is it FULLY winterised and is the boiler gas and electric. You may have gone through the above process already but please do not rush your decision. Bye the way I have a Dethleffs from Lowdhams and the only problem I have is the distance between where I live and their workshops.
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Richard, Regarding Lowdhams, I could list the problems, item by item, but it will suffice to say that ( This was the 1st brand new M/H that I've had ),the salesman will tell you anything to get the sale. In our case we weren't in a rush & were willing to wait for one to be built to our spec. The salesman said that the prices would go up next year and we wouldn't get the same trade price either. The vans are still selling at the same price, even now, so I'm feeling cheated and would have prefered waiting. Since we were buying the current "Motorhome of the Year" and Lowdhams were selling all that they could get, at the time, I don't think that this extra pressure was justified . OK, so I now realise that I was gullible. The main issue is with the after sales service. I have revisited their site several times to attempt resolution of the various problems. On one occasion, I was promised that repairs would be carried out and they would contact me with an available date. In the event, I had to resort to organising warranty repairs to both heating & refrigerator faults myself, because I couldn't rely on them. I complaned that I had been ignored/let down, but didn't even receive either an apology or explanation. All of this, of course, involved the usual time and fuel costs. The very worst issue is NOT having phone calls returned, when promised. All we want is for our M/H to be put right, without all the constant problems created by Lowdhams after sales department.
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As I said in my first post, I have had 2 problems. We went to France for 2 weeks just a couple of weeks after picking the van up. I soon realised that the passenger door mirror was way out of alignment. On our return I rang after sales service, explained the problem, took the van to Lowdhams the same day and the mirror arms were adjusted whilst waiting. (the mirror was set up as LHD drivers mirror) I found the gas leak after fitting a Gaslow propane gauge. I spoke to Paul in after sales, who arranged for me to take the van in the next day. The fault was fixed whilst we waited - a couple of hours. I realise that different people have different experiences at dealers but as far as Lowdhams are concerned, my experience as been excellent. regards Geoff
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[QUOTE]StAubyns - 2006-11-13 8:39 PM As I said in my first post, I have had 2 problems. We went to France for 2 weeks just a couple of weeks after picking the van up. I soon realised that the passenger door mirror was way out of alignment. On our return I rang after sales service, explained the problem, took the van to Lowdhams the same day and the mirror arms were adjusted whilst waiting. (the mirror was set up as LHD drivers mirror) I found the gas leak after fitting a Gaslow propane gauge. I spoke to Paul in after sales, who arranged for me to take the van in the next day. The fault was fixed whilst we waited - a couple of hours. I realise that different people have different experiences at dealers but as far as Lowdhams are concerned, my experience as been excellent. regards Geoff[/QUOTE]


Well, yes - they fixed it.  Truth is, that in both cases the faults, perhaps especially the gas fault, should have been eliminated before the vehicle was handed over to you.

Dealers are supposed to fully check all aspects of the vehicle before delivery.  Mostly, they sign a declaration they have done this, a copy going back to the manufacturer as evidence of QA compliance.  Aren't Lowdham ISO 9001 certified? 

God knows, they charge enough for the vans, being generally around £5,000 more in UK than in Europe, so you've paid someone handsomly for the work to be done.

Both faults were potentially dangerous, the gas leak indicating that no system pressure test was carried out on your van before delivery.  Unforgivable!  Gas being perhaps the most dangerous service on the 'van, if they skipped that, it's a fair bet nothing else was tested or checked either.

I think you got it exactly as it was supplied to Lowdham from the factory.  You then kindly tested things for them and they only had to fix the faults you found, after you'd spent your time and money taking the 'van back.

I'm not out to spoil your enjoyment, or scoff at your pleasure in your new van, nor to knock Lowdham, with whom I have had no dealings.  However, what you recount possibly explains why so many people seem to experience vans that are unsatisfactory on delivery.

The dealers simply aren't earning their inflated mark ups (marks up?) and are short changing their customers willy nilly.

Where's the Caped Crusader?  Oops, sorry, mustn't mention Crusades, must I?  Mumble, mumble.

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Hi Brian With regards to the mirror adjustment I would agree with your assesment. I have sat in a Euorostyle at Lowdhams since having mine adjusted and found the passenger mirror set up as mine was initially. They really should sort this out befor delivery. When I took a test drive the mirror seemed fine, but it was not untill driving on the continent that I realised the implications of the mirror set up. It was uncomfortable rather than dangerous. The gas leak, who knows wether it was there when when we took delivery or not. We never smelt gas and we were unaware of the leak untill fitting the gaslow gauge. Maybe it was a connection that worked loose during our first travels. But Lowdhams fixed fixed these problems with no hassle, no argument and very promptly. This is what I would expect from the dealership. regards Geoff
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Hi Geoff, I'm with Brian on this. The mirror issue could well be a dangerous one because it might mean you have a larger blind spot than would be the case with the properly adjusted mirror. The gas leak is potentially extremely dangerous. Gas connections do not work loose, they are simply not tightened up properly and not checked at PDI time. Lowdhams are not alone in this though as I'm sure there are as many similar reports of missed items at PDI time from just about any other dealer in the country. Personally I think any dealership who lets a motorhome out of its site with such potentially dangerous faults should be reported to the NCC! Perhaps then we might see some reduction on reports of this nature. D.
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Hi Dave The mirror adjustment I was aware of and took this into consideration untill it was fixed, the dangerouse one, as you say, was the gas leak. I cant say with any certaintythat it was there when we took delivery or not but the bottom line is that it is Ok now. If the PDI wasnt done, and the paperwork says it was that is another matter. At this moment in time we have a motorhome that we are really satisfied with and have no intention of changing, and fingers crossed, 2 faults from new maybe is'nt to bad. I have read on various Forums of people who have taken delivery on new vans that clearly they should not have accepted, indeed some have listed as many as 50 faults. I wonder if anyone has ever taken delivery of a new van and never had ANY faults? regards Geoff
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[QUOTE]StAubyns - 2006-11-19 11:13 AM Hi Dave The mirror adjustment I was aware of and took this into consideration untill it was fixed, the dangerouse one, as you say, was the gas leak. I cant say with any certaintythat it was there when we took delivery or not but the bottom line is that it is Ok now. If the PDI wasnt done, and the paperwork says it was that is another matter. At this moment in time we have a motorhome that we are really satisfied with and have no intention of changing, and fingers crossed, 2 faults from new maybe is'nt to bad. I have read on various Forums of people who have taken delivery on new vans that clearly they should not have accepted, indeed some have listed as many as 50 faults. I wonder if anyone has ever taken delivery of a new van and never had ANY faults? regards Geoff [/QUOTE]

Honest answer?  Yes, we did. 

Possibly luck, but ours was fault free and spotlessly clean when we got it in April 2005.  It was a new 'van and, simply put, everything worked as it should and nothing fell off/came adrift.

I spent hours looking for it (the hidden fault), but it just wasn't there!  Boring, isn't it?

One failure since: the non return valve on the pump stopped functioning, so the water heater kept draining back and then blowing bubbles whenever hot water was run.  New pump fitted (non return integral with pump) and now OK.  Am I tempting fate?!!

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