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Camperstop Europe


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My apologies are offered in advance if I'm being a bit 'thick' but I have just received the Camperstop Europe Guide and the satnav references for the various sites and aires etc do not agree with those given in the Vicarious Guides 'Aires' books.

Google Earth recognizes the Aires book figures, but not the ones given in Camperstop.

No doubt there is a simple answer but it isn't readily apparent to my very technophobe brain.

Has anyone who uses both these books got the answer?

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Vicarious use degrees and minutes to decimal three places and my 2013 Camperstop uses dgrees only to decimal five places and on some sat navs you may have to reset the units to each format.


My experience is that Vicarious seem to be more accurate and reliable in general but Camperstop usually get you to near enough to see where you are supposed to be.


Too many variables for total reliability, such as the sat signal on the day and accuracy of the person and their sat nav taking the reading and again the sat signal on the day and the accuracy of the one using the lat and long some time, maybe years, later on a different sat nav.


I have never failed to find the location on either - eventually - but it can sometimes be entertaining - for want of a better word!!

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GPS Co ords are usually digital or degrees you can change the input in the search box .In google earth go to..."tools"...then "options" .....Show / Lat....long heading ...and click on the relevent setting you require digital or degrees.




With Google Earth you can input the co ord in either decimal or degree/min/sec without the actual DEGREE MIN OR SEC signs in place and it will recognise them ....ie


The Aire Campello for Example is listed as N 38 23'41'' W0 24'35'' you can just input 38 23 41 -0 24 35 (adding - (minus) to replace W ) the same location in decimal is N38.394856 W0.409568 again just input 38.394856 -0.409568 again adding - to replace W.


Hope this helps


Brian K

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BikerBarry - 2016-01-07 2:26 PM


My apologies are offered in advance if I'm being a bit 'thick' but I have just received the Camperstop Europe Guide and the satnav references for the various sites and aires etc do not agree with those given in the Vicarious Guides 'Aires' books.

Google Earth recognizes the Aires book figures, but not the ones given in Camperstop.

No doubt there is a simple answer but it isn't readily apparent to my very technophobe brain.

Has anyone who uses both these books got the answer?


I don't have the latest copies of either of these guides (mine are 2013), but Vicarious Books (VB) adopted the system of degree and minute format whereas Camperstop (CS) use decimal degrees format, Google Earth recognises either if you enter them correctly.




Uzerche in VB: N45*25.471', E001*33.968'

Uzerche in CS: N45.42477, E1.56696


Using VB co-ords on Google Earth gives this (sorry I can't embed links, just give the address): https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/45%C2%B025'28.3%22N+1%C2%B033'58.1%22E/@45.4245204,1.565039,268m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en-GB


Using CS co-ords gives this: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/45%C2%B025'29.2%22N+1%C2%B034'01.1%22E/@45.4247737,1.5658657,268m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en-GB


Essentially they are the same place.


Having said that, there are discrepancies between the two books, often only slight due to taking the co-ords in slightly different places in the aire, but often because thy are listing different aires in the same area, not necessarily the same aire.


If in doubt, you can also look at sites directly on one of the many website listings, such as CC-Infos, Camperstop, or searchforsites, and you can even download all their POIs directly onto your laptop/tablet or into your satnav to use offline. Google those names and you will find the websites.




EDIT: Just looked at those Google Map pages I linked to - both show co-ords in degree minute second format, but I actually entered them as shown above (leave out the * and use a space instead, or a degree sign when entering VB co-ords).

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Why not just order the GPS Datasets for the countries you want to visit http://camperstop.com/en/gps_en.html and forget all about the Vicarious Guides 'Aires' books.


The GPS Datasets are fairly cheap and match the Camperstop Europe locations perfectly as the are the same ones published in the book.


Just copy the Datasets to your satnav and navigate straight to the aire listed in the book.


Each Dataset entry looks something like this "p326 Le Porge, Intermarché 44.87574, -1.07883" so when it pops up on your satnav screen you can turn to the appropriate page and see what the facilities are.



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